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What is Plogging? Exercising while Caring for the Environment

Modern societies have prioritized fast pace and convenience over the environment but new strategies, such as plogging, continue to emerge. This is good because daily human activity is drastically damaging the environment.

Plogging is a recent trend for those who care about the environment. The purpose is to remove as much garbage as possible from the streets while jogging or walking. Such simple actions actually lead to great changes.

This type of activity is equally rewarding, for one, it helps you stay in shape and you also contribute to improving your environment. Today’s article will explain what plogging is and how to put it into practice.

What is plogging?

The word “plogging” derives from the English word “jogging” and the Swedish expression “plocka upp.” The first one means to run and the second means to pick up. In other words, it’s all about picking up litter while running around your surrounding areas.

This trend emerged in Sweden just a couple of years ago. The intention is to make people aware that everyone is responsible for the environment and can contribute in small ways like these. As you can see, plogging has many more benefits than just remaining active.

This trend has been gaining momentum in recent months, especially on social media. People who do it are now referred to as “ploggers” and the hashtag #plogging is used to give it more recognition on the networks.

The truth is that much of the success of this practice lies in the runners’ own connection with nature. Anyone who does really enjoys doing it in a beautiful and pleasant landscape. They think it essential to respect the environment by keeping it tidy.

The benefits of plogging

Running is one of the most basic and complete exercises and significantly improves aerobic endurance, lung capacity, and blood circulation. It also helps tone your muscles and lose weight.

Plogging, in addition to running, incorporates squats to pick up trash. That is, it isn’t simply about bending down, but doing so through a controlled movement. This is a great way to work your legs and glutes.

By repeatedly incorporating this movement, the number of calories you burn increases considerably. Estimates indicate that one can burn 300 calories per session.

This type of exercise benefits beyond aesthetics. This is because plogging often helps prevent diseases such as obesity or diabetes — just like when you go out running.

It’s very simple – try it!

You only need suitable running attire and a garbage bag to plog. Try going with a friend or family member to stay motivated. Also, try to take different routes.

There are actually many apps for runners that help count both the mileage run and the calories you burn. In fact, specific applications for plogging are already underway.

Keep in mind that maintaining a clean environment is more than just maintaining the beauty of the landscape. This is because you’ll help reduce the risk of infections and improve the recycling process.

Finally, you can try other forms of plogging if running isn’t your thing. Some people also do it while cycling or hiking. What’s really important is to be aware of, and do your best to take care of, the environment.

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