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What is Kumquat? Benefits, Uses and Nutritional Value

The kumquat is a very small citrus fruit that can resemble a tangerine. It is exotic in nature and has a large number of beneficial properties for the body. It is originally grown in China and stands out because the entire fruit is edible, even the skin.

Next, we are going to comment on all the benefits of consuming this food. Introduced in the context of a balanced diet, it can help increase its quality. However, it is not easy to obtain, since it is a rare product in Western countries.

Nutritional Properties of Kumquat

When talking about the nutritional value of kumquat, we must highlight its low caloric intake, only 71 kilocalories per 100 grams of food. This is because 80% of it is made up of water. Within the macronutrients, the presence of carbohydrates stands out, specifically simple sugars, with 15.9 grams per 100 of fruit. Proteins and fats are practically residual in this case.

However, the situation changes when we talk about micronutrients. It concentrates significant amounts of vitamin C amounting to 43 milligrams. At the same time, it has phytonutrients with antioxidant capacity that neutralize the production of free radicals. Also with fiber, which allows the absorption of the sugars it provides to be more gradual.

Benefits of Kumquats

We are going to tell you what are the benefits generated from the consumption of kumquat and what science says about it.

1. Lower risk of getting sick

Vitamin C is one of the nutrients involved in the proper functioning of the immune system. This is evidenced by a study published in the journal Nutrients. In this way, regular consumption of it ensures the reduction of the incidence of common colds and other infectious diseases.

2. Less constipation

Surely you have already heard that fiber intake is key to combat constipation. This substance has been shown to be capable of increasing the volume of the fecal bolus, stimulating the mechanoreceptors of the intestine and generating a more powerful intestinal peristalsis. In this way, the feces pass more efficiently through the digestive tract.

At the same time, this same fiber is capable of generating a feeling of satiety, which reduces the risk of snacking on unhealthy products between meals. Thus, it is easier to propose a hypocaloric diet.

3. Effective against anemia

Kumquat’s own vitamin C helps maximize iron absorption at the intestinal level, according to research published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In this way, the risk of developing anemia is reduced, a pathology that causes extreme fatigue and tiredness, and that is produced from an inefficient intake of the aforementioned mineral.

How do you eat it?

The kumquat can be eaten raw, with the skin itself, which gives it a sweet character, or through the preparation of products such as jams or preserves, in which the bitter point of the pulp is used. Also, it is possible to prepare meat sauces with said food. It is even added to shakes to maximize their nutritional value.

In addition, it has a good conservation capacity. It is possible that it lasts up to 4 days at room temperature, and can remain unchanged for up to 2 weeks in a refrigerated state. It is also another option to freeze it and then prepare smoothies with it.

Uses that can be given to kumquat in the kitchen

As we mentioned, there are 2 typical culinary uses of the kumquat, the preparation of jams or the preparation of sauces.


In this case, proceed in a similar way to the recipe that is followed to make a jam from any other fruit. The fruit is cooked with a good amount of sugar until it forms a thick texture and is then beaten. Another option is to add a quantity of kumquat to an already prepared orange jam.


For sauces, it is best to prepare a mayonnaise base and then season it with the aim of improving its organoleptic characteristics. In this sense, kumquat can be added together with culinary spices to form an ideal product that combines well with meats.

Kumquat, an unknown fruit

The kumquat is a rare fruit in Western countries, but it hides many important nutrients inside. It stands out for its vitamin C content and its antioxidants, which help prevent the development of complex pathologies.

Another of its main characteristics is that the entire fruit is edible, skin included. In addition, it has an easy introduction in various culinary recipes, which drastically increases its properties.

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