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What is Blue Majik? Benefits, Uses and Nutrition Facts

Blue majik is a derivative of spirulina algae used in the preparation of different recipes. It has a characteristic blue color that usually tinges the dishes that it’s added to. In addition, it stands out for its nutritional properties, linked to beneficial health effects.

In general, it should be noted that the intake of algae has increased in recent years. The Journal of Medicinal Food states that they’re a source of bioactive compounds such as fiber, plant sterols, fatty acids and antioxidants. Hence, they’re considered a good option to improve the quality of the diet.

What is Blue Majik?

Blue majik is an algae that’s very similar to spirulina; its main difference has to do with the concentration of phycocyanin, a substance that gives it its blue color. However, some people consider it to be a ‘superfood’ because of its content in essential nutrients and its potential benefits.

Of course, we’re talking about a scarce and somewhat expensive food. Its market price is around 50 euros per 50 grams (2 oz.), so it isn’t often used in the culinary context. However, you can use it to color almost any recipe, giving it a distinctive touch.

Nutrition and Possible Benefits

Blue majik stands out for its high concentration of vitamins, minerals and a large number of compounds with antioxidant activity. To be more precise – and according to an article published in the Journal of the American Nutrition Association – it’s a source of the following nutrients:

  • Carbohydrates,
  • Vitamins (A, C and E),
  • Minerals (iron, calcium, chromium, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc),
  • γ-linolenic acid,
  • Pigments such as chlorophyll A and phycobiliproteins (C-phycocyanin, allophycocyanin and β-carotene).

Due to this composition, its regular consumption brings many benefits. Let’s take a look.

Helps delay the signs of aging

The antioxidants in blue majik are able to neutralize the formation of free radicals and their accumulation in the body’s tissues. In this way, the incidence of many chronic pathologies is reduced, in addition to delaying the signs of aging.

Contributes to the prevention of anemia

The iron contained in blue majik contributes to avoid possible iron deficits that can affect the appearance of anemia. A study in rats reported in Food & Function found that microalgae are nutritional iron fortifiers that can improve iron deficiency.

It is recommended to take it together with vitamin C, as it doesn’t assimilate that well, being of vegetable origin.

On the other hand, it should be noted that this seaweed is one of the few foods of vegetable origin that contains vitamin B12. Deficiency of this nutrient is common in vegan diets and causes megaloblastic anemia in the medium term. Therefore, it’s advisable to consume this type of supplement.

Helps to prevent some chronic diseases

Most chronic pathologies have their origin in a lack of control of inflammation and oxidation. To prevent both situations, it’s crucial to ensure the daily intake of antioxidants in the diet.

Phytonutrients contained in vegetables and algae are especially beneficial for this purpose. A publication through Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity details that this variety of supplement has hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic and antihypertensive potential.

High cost, the main disadvantage of blue majik

Despite its properties and nutrient content, the truth is that blue majik is too expensive a food to be introduced in the context of the regular diet. This is undoubtedly its main disadvantage. It doesn’t make sense to take it occasionally in order to experience benefits, as no changes will be noticed.

When planning a healthy diet, it’s really important to ensure variety and balance, in addition to consuming plenty of vegetables on a daily basis. It isn’t necessary to resort to exotic species such as blue majik to get the body to function properly. Other more common foods, such as blueberries, can have a similar effect.

How to use blue majik?

Blue majik is often sold in powdered form. Its use in the culinary context is very simple, a teaspoon will serve to tint almost any recipe and bring a touch of flavor. It’s common to add this food to smoothies and some soups, with the aim of providing an exotic and distinctive touch.

It’s also possible to find blue majik supplements that aim to provide a concentrate of the algae to take advantage of its beneficial properties. These can be consumed on a daily basis. However, supplementation with antioxidant compounds is not recommended in all contexts.

Blue majik, a seaweed with benefits

Blue majik is a very exotic type of seaweed, still not very widely known. It stands out mainly for its organoleptic characteristics and its high price. In some places, it is beginning to be used to dye dishes and recipes blue, which is quite distinctive.

Even so, it isn’t necessary to include this food in your diet in order to ensure a good state of health. There are many other options that can perform similar functions. Some good examples are red fruits or cruciferous vegetables, which also stand out for their antioxidant content.

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