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10 Weight Loss Myths You Keep Falling For

All around the globe people bounce between diets struggling with their weight. Despite the numerous weight loss strategies and plans that can be found, yet the struggle continues.  Exercise and a diet that is balanced should be part of efficient and healthy program for weight loss. However, there is still not enough awareness. With so much information on the market people get confused by what is true. The weight loss myths that follow below may sabotage the goals you have.

The weight loss myths that are keeping us fat

1. Calories Are All Equal

Most people think that calories are reigning supreme and as well as the number of consumed calories is often outweighing the significance of the source. When it regards to energy, all consumed calories are even, however, 200 calories you get from a cake is not the equal to 200 calories you get from spinach for the healthy functioning of the body.

When the focus falls on weight loss, various foods are creating different satiety levels. When the equal amount of consumed calories from a vegetable that is stir-fried and calories from a bag of chips is being compared, the result is that there cannot be a comparison which regards the value of satiety.

You will feel much more satisfied and will be less likely to overeat on foods such as fruits, vegetables, and beans, in comparison to donuts and candy.

2. Carbs Are the Enemy

Often gaining weight may be related to carbs, and even though some diets that are low in carbs are effective, they might not be the healthiest ones.

Carbs are a familiar as vital energy source, and when carbs are eliminated from the diet, the effectiveness of the metabolism can be reduced, as well as the efficiency of the hormone, and the stress levels can be increased.

It’s the type of carbs that you choose which will determine whether or not you lose weight. Focusing on carbs that will provide the body with nutrients that are beneficial, like dietary fiber.

It is essential to eliminate carbs from foods that are processed and replace them with foods, like beans, berries, broccoli, sweet potatoes and eggplant.

3. Fat Also Makes You Gain Weight

Fat does not make you fat – excess calories cause the weight gain. It is true that many fat-rich foods are also calorie-dense junk foods, meaning you’re consuming food that is high in calories, yet low in nutrients.

There is nothing unique about fat that causes you to pack on the pounds.

The truth is, you need fat to survive. The key is choosing the right sources of fat while avoiding trans fats and excessive consumption of saturated fats.

The fat that you obtain from ingredients such as olive oil, avocado, nuts, and fish are highly beneficial to your health.

4. Fad Diets Are Effective

There are many diets that promise losing 15 pounds for 30 days. Lots of desperate people who want to lose weight, by dedicating their energy, money, and time to diets, they only find that their weight is back again when the program is finished.

Why does this happen? Well, for the most part, fad diets are not sustainable.

In order for you to lose weight and keep it off long-term, you need to make significant changes to your lifestyle.

The habits that you currently have to be changed, to ensure that you have balanced and healthier life. In case you drink diet shakes for about six weeks, the habits haven’t been changed – you will gain your weight back at the time you are back to your habits. Weight loss is physical as well as mental.

5. Skipping Meals Will Make You Lose Weight

When you have the mentality that fewer calories will make you lose weight, you’re not exactly wrong, however, starving yourself is also not the solution.

Some researchers have revealed that there are individuals that will lose weight in short-term, but they will gain dangerous fat on the belly. This is type of gaining weight will increase the heart disease risk and other complications.

The body needs food for functioning properly and if you skip your meals, the intake of nutrients that are vital is reduced.

Fatigue might be a result of this and, you might be less motivated to continue to the diet program. Also, when you starve yourself, you’re more prone to binge on unhealthy foods.

6. Healthy Foods Are Expensive

It is often the assumption that eating healthy is expensive, but it’s much cheaper than you think. You can shop wisely, especially when you shop locally.

Farmers’ markets, for instance, offer so much fresh produce for a fraction of the cost. This also encourages you to eat foods that are in season.

To purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and fish, it is slightly more expensive than frozen processed dinners, however, the difference isn’t substantial.

In fact, in one study of Harvard University confirmed that eating healthy, will only costs extra $1.50 daily. When you factor in the nutritional value of a fresh food diet, it is most certainly the optimal choice.

7. Snacks Leads to Gaining Weight

The kind of food that you consume makes a huge difference. To snack between meals could make you to gain weight. However, snacks do not equal necessarily the decreased ability for losing weight.

In case you feel hungry, to choose snacks with nutrient-dense could be a choice that is beneficial, especially for the metabolism.

In case you grab snacks that are abundant with salt and in sugar because you are bored, for an example, this is the moment when many issues appear from.

When you snack smart, however, you create a routine that allows you to pack more nutrition into your day, benefiting your body’s natural weight loss systems.

Greek yogurt, fruit, nuts, raw vegetables, and other similar foods are an excellent way to satisfy your hunger between meals.

8. Water Will Make You Lose Weight

This statement is truth to some point, but, water itself is not the cause for your weight loss, it hydrates the body naturally.

In case you start drinking eight mugs of water per day, without changing any other habit of your current lifestyle and diet, you will not get any the result you are hoping for.

In case you are someone who is drinking lots of pop, however, the substitution for the high-sugar beverages with water is a great starting place.

In case you are someone who is snacking out of boredom, to drink water in those moments can have a very positive result. You should drink water more. However, you need to be focused on all aspects of the diet, too.

9. You Can’t Eat Fast Food

Most fast food is full of grease and empty calories, but not all fast food options are bad. Once in a while, we need something fast on-the-go, it is the reality in which we live in.

Our lives are fast-paced and sometimes, a quick bite to eat is necessary. You can make wiser choices, both in terms of the places you grab food from, as well as the menu choices you opt for.

Grabbing a quick Korean take-out meal, full of fresh vegetables is just as fast, and you benefit from nutritious ingredients.

Instead of fried chicken, choose grilled, choose a salad without dressing, instead of a burger. It’s about the choices that you make. If you would like to lose weight, you need to work with your body, not against it.

10. Your Genes Decide Your Weight

Many give up on their weight loss goals, based on their family history. They think, “my mom was big, it’s simply in my genes, there’s nothing I can do about it.”

Although your genes do influence your weight to some degree, your behaviors are far much more influential. When you combine regular exercise, including strength training, as well as a balanced diet, you will lose weight.

Via: CalorieSecrets | MommyOnPurpose

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