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6 Home Remedies to Treat Sprained Ankle Naturally

Sprained ankles are more common than you might think, particularly if you wear heels or walk quickly. The pain can be quite strong and it can also stop you from walking properly for days.

In this article, we’ll tell you about some home remedies to help you treat sprained ankle. These will help reduce the pain, help you recover quicker, and get you back to your daily activities.

What Causes A Sprained Ankle?

First, let’s take a look at what a sprained ankle is and how it’s caused.

For this, we need to talk about ligaments, the structures that provide stability to the joints. They’re a type of “cord” that allows movement. When they’re overly tightened, they can tear. This is how a sprain is caused. The ankle is the most common sprain, particularly in very active people.

For women who wear heels, there is a greater chance of suffering a sprained ankle because of the position of the foot. If you’re only supported by your toes, the rest of your foot is unstable and the ligaments are tightened much more than normal.

Unfortunately, you don’t need to fall over or twist your ankle the wrong way to get an injury. Just wearing certain shoes is enough.

Home Remedies to Treat Sprained Ankle

Once you’re injured, it’s really important not to move your ankle. In other words, you need to walk as little as possible or stay resting.

Fortunately, there are some natural remedies to treat sprained ankle that repair the tissues, ligaments, and damaged tendons. We recommend the following:

1. Red Clay and Wine Vinegar Cast

This is a really old remedy that helps cure any bruise or sprain. The cast is a thick, gooey mixture that you can apply for medicinal purposes on different parts of the body.

Clay has many properties: it’s healing, prevents infections, is sedative, reduces inflammation, and provides minerals. Meanwhile, wine vinegar is used to disinfect and provide moisture to the cast. This cast will also help stop bruising.


  • 1 cup of red clay powder (180 g)
  • wine vinegar (as necessary)
  • cling film


  • Tip the cup of red clay into a large bowl and gradually add the wine vinegar, mixing with both hands.
  • The idea is to form a paste that is easy to apply to the affected area.
  • Leave it to dry (and harden), wrap in cling film, and, after 20 minutes, remove it with warm water.

2. Ice

Cooling the area is one of the best ways to reduce inflammation for a sprained ankle. However, for it to be effective, you need to apply the cold as quickly as possible after the injury.


  • Put a number of ice cubes in a plastic bag and press against the affected area with a towel.
  • Lie down on the sofa or bed and keep your foot raised higher than your heart, so that blood doesn’t build up in the injured area. This will reduce swelling.
  • Keep the ice cubes applied for 15 minutes, wait half an hour, then apply again.

3. Epsom Salt

These crystals contain magnesium, a mineral that’s very effective at relieving muscle pains.


  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • ½ cup of Epsom salt (75 g)


  • Heat the water and pour into a bowl. Add half a cup of Epsom salts and stir well until they dissolve. Then, leave to cool.
  • Once the water is at room temperature (you can mix in some cold water as well), soak your foot in it for half an hour.
  • Repeat twice a day.

4. Hot Compress

Once 24 hours have passed after spraining your ankle and the inflammation has gone down, it will probably hurt less. However, this doesn’t mean there is nothing you can do to feel less pain.

Hot compresses can be really useful since they help the blood flow and aid the muscles in repairing themselves. You can soak a cloth in hot water, use an electric pad, or cover your foot with lots of blankets.

5. Chamomile

There are many herbs that make great remedies to help you treat sprained ankle. Chamomile is one of the best. In addition to chamomile, you can use horsetail, burdock, or comfrey. All these plants have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties for muscles.


  • 4 tbsp. of your chosen herb (60 g)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)


  • Add the herb of your choice to a bowl of boiling water, just like you would do with the Epsom salts.
  • Make sure the water is warm before soaking your foot in it and soak for 20 minutes at least.

6. Cayenne Pepper

This spice isn’t just used in cooking for its smell, taste, and color. It’s also used for its useful medicinal properties and it’s one of the many great remedies to help you treat sprained ankle. This is all because of the capsaicin, its main ingredient, which helps relieve pains.



  • Dissolve the cayenne pepper in a cup of hot water. Then, soak either a cloth or cotton-wool ball in it.
  • Spread it over the affected area and do not rinse.

If you’ve suffered a sprained ankle, we still recommend that you go to your doctor so that you get the right treatment. These home remedies should be a complement to your doctor’s advice.

Via: TrueRemedies

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