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All-Natural Homemade Toothache Remedy

Even though we all know that maintain a good oral hygiene will help us prevent dental issues, the majority of people have problems with tooth decay and toothache. Many people agree that a toothache is one of the worst things they have experienced in their life because the pain is intense and affects our overall health and physical condition. In this article we will present a natural toothache remedy that can be prepared at home.

With its help you will be able to eliminate toothache quickly. Before we present the recipe, we must point out that consulting a professional dentist is always a good idea because they can determine the exact cause of the problem.

In addition, they can provide the right diagnosis. Now let’s highlight the things you will need for this toothache remedy, how to prepare it and how does it work.

Homemade Toothache Remedy



First of all, take the ingredients and mix them well. After that, use the mixture directly on the area where the pain is most intense. Apply this mixture three times per day for 60 seconds. It won’t take much time before you notice that the pain is eased and after a while the pain will be completely gone. In addition to this method, you can also chew one teaspoon of cloves.

How Does Clove Help Our Teeth?

Clove provides strong anesthetic, antibacterial, antispasmodic, analgesic and stimulating effects.

Additionally, cloves contain eugenol, a natural compound that provides anesthetic effects that do wonders for the healing of root canals and cavities.

How Does Coconut Oil Help Our Teeth?

A few scientific studies have shown that coconut oil has an ability to remove bacteria that build up in the teeth, gums and mouth.

In other words, coconut oil is an excellent way to lower the chances of experiencing tooth decay.

So, before you visit your doctor’s office, in case of minor toothache, try this all-natural home toothache remedy first.

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health

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