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The Best 3 Home Remedies for Cold Sores

Cold sores can be really annoying and painful, and usually appear in the worst possible moments.They usually attack the area around the lips and happen due to a virus which attack our body when it’s weak, when our immunity drops.

If you want to prevent cold sores before they appear or alleviate the symptoms and cure it instantly try the following home remedies for cold sores.
They have proven to be extremely effective against this annoying virus.

3 Home Remedies for Cold Sores

Liquorice against cold sores

You’ll need:

Put the dried liquorice roots in a glass jar and pour the oil over it. Cover the jar and leave the mixture to soak for 3 to 6 weeks, mixing it every 2 days.

How to apply this remedy?

Use a cotton swab and apply a bit of the solution on the cold sore and leave it on to dry off. Repeat the process 3-5 times a day.

Tea Tree Oil against cold sores

You’ll need:

Pour the olive oil in a cup, add the two drops of tea tree essential oil and mix it until everything is nicely combined.

How to apply this remedy?

Again, with a cotton swab apply a bit of this mixture directly on the cold sore, but be careful not to apply it on the surrounding skin. Leave it to dry out for a few minutes and wash your hands thoroughly. Repeat the process 3 times a day.

Garlic against cold sores

You’ll need:

Peel one garlic clove and crush it to get a homogeneous paste.

How to apply this remedy?

Apply a bit of the paste with a cotton swab on the cold sore. Repeat the process whenever you’re home.

Via: OffTheGridNews | FrugalAndThriving

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