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10 Surprising Almond Benefits and Uses

It is considered that the almond belongs to the group of nuts, but actually almonds (Prunus amygdalus) are members of the group drupe fruits. In this sense, this nuts are a close relative to the plums, cherries, apricots and peaches. The almond benefits have been known since Ancient times. Almonds originate from Persia and Mesopotamia, from were spread to Syria and Greece even BC. Cultivated almond had appeared in the early Bronze Age and fruits of the almond are found in Tutankhamun tomb (1325 BC).

The ancient origin of this plant is proven by the fact that they are mentioned in the Bible. At that time the fruit was considered as a religious tree. Today almonds are mostly grown in the Mediterranean, France, Portugal, Iran, Morocco, Turkey, and the world’s leading manufacturer is USA. Northernmost destination where this fruits are cultivated is Iceland.

Almonds – Treasury of Vitamins and Minerals

Almonds are healthy and beneficial fruits that contain much of the recommended daily amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber and amino acids. 100 grams of almonds contain 22 grams of carbohydrates of which 12 grams dietary fiber, which is 49 percent of the required fibers per day. Therefore the almond benefits for the health are huge.

Almonds are a great source of minerals and vitamins. In 100 grams has: 140% of the recommended daily amounts of manganese, 75% magnesium, 60% copper, 50% phosphorus, 130% vitamin E, 51% riboflavin (B2).

Top 10 Almond Benefits and Uses

almond benefits

Prevention from Heart Attack

Almonds are high with monounsaturated fatty acids. It is a type of acid that is found in olive oil, which is important for the prevention of heart attack. Several studies have confirmed that daily consumption of almonds leads to reduced risk of heart attack between 30 and 45%. According to studies, if you dispose part of the unhealthy, saturated fats from the meat and milk and replace them with suitable quantities of beneficial fats from almonds, the risk of heart attack is reduced for 45%.

Good for your brain

The almond benefits are helpful for healthy functioning of the brain. Almonds are a source of many nutrients which help in the development and health of the human brain. They have been connected to a higher intellectual level and they have long been considered an essential food item for growing children. They also contain two vital brain nutrients, riboflavin and L-carnitine, which have been shown to increase brain activity, resulting in new neural pathways and a decreased occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease. Studies have shown that almonds in the diet, as well as almond oil, is nutritive to the overall health and functioning of the nervous system.

Many mothers give almonds soaked in water to their children every morning. Two or three pieces of soaked almonds are enough, and you can also remove the outer shell if it causes allergic reactions, as the majority of the nutrients are not held in the shell.

Regulation of cholesterol

Regular consumption of almonds helps to increase the level of high density lipoproteins (HDL) and they reduce the level of low density lipoproteins (LDL). This balance is vital to a healthy cholesterol level, and a reduction of LDL (bad cholesterol) is always a good thing.

Immune System Strength

Your body has many components that add to overall health, including the alkalinity of the systems. Almonds are great sources for alkali materials, and this is known to benefit the strength of the immune system, as well as increase the ability to stave off diseases and various health conditions. Along with almonds’ contribution to alkaline levels, it also has a high content of Vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant.

It seeks out all the damaging free radicals in the body and eliminates them, because they actually promote chronic diseases and can be horribly hazardous to the body’s organ systems. Antioxidants like the Vitamin E found in almonds affect all major diseases, including cancer and heart disease. Research has actually shown that people who ingest high levels of Vitamin E are actually 30-40% less likely to contract heart disease.

Skin care

The almond benefits in regards to skin health are well known, and almond oil massages are often recommended for newborn babies. Almond milk is also added to some soaps, because of almonds well-established reputation of improving the complexion of skin.


Many people think that the word “fat” means something negative, but in fact, certain fatty acids are essential, and can be very beneficial for overall health. The body can’t create its own fatty acids, which is why we need to get them from dietary sources. Almonds have two very important fatty acids, both linoleic and linolenic acids. Those fatty acids help to reduce inflammation all around the body, which is a general condition that many people suffer from. The fatty acids also help to reduce the levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL cholesterol), and they promote healthy skin and hair! All in all, almonds pack a powerful, healthy punch.

Bone Health

Almonds are a fantastic source of many vitamins and minerals, and phosphorous is definitely counted among them! Phosphorous can have a considerable impact on the strength and durability of bones and teeth, while also preventing the onset of age-related conditions like osteoporosis.

Prevention of cancer

Almonds improve the movement of food through the colon, thereby preventing build-up and subsequent colon cancer. The National Cancer Center has done extensive research on the link between high-fiber diets and a reduced risk of colon cancer.

Control of the Blood Sugar Levels

Several studies have been made in order to determine the impact of the almonds on the blood sugar levels. Constant consumption of this type of foods is one of the causes of diabetes and obesity. Studies have shown that eating 60 to 90 grams of the fruit per day corrects the sharp increase of the blood sugar.

Protects from Free Radicals

Today’s unhealthy lifestyle in the organism creates free radicals. They recently are known as the cause of many diseases, including the hardest – malignant. To reduce the amount of free radicals and the damage that they inflict, you need antioxidants. Vitamin E is one of the antioxidants that will help in this and almonds contain high amounts of this vitamin. In 100 grams of almonds have even 131% of the body’s daily needs for vitamin E.

Via: OrganicFacts | StyleCraze

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