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7 Symptoms and Signs of Dental Infection You Must Know

Your teeth are in constant contact with food residue, bacteria, saliva, and other kinds of components. At any moment, they can affect your health or be a cause of a dental infection.

Your dietary hygiene practices help you to keep your mouth clean and healthy. However, sometimes the environment in your mouth changes. This causes infections that you need to be careful about.

These can be light or severe. In fact, in some cases, they compromise your whole body’s health.

The most worrying thing is that if you don’t take care of it in time, this can cause severe pain and total loss of your teeth.

Because of this, the most important thing is knowing the symptoms of infections. Above all, look for professional help when you identify a problem.

Symptoms and Signs of Dental Infection

1. Bad breath

Halitosis is one of the most evident symptoms of a dental infection.

This is caused by too much bacteria. This is especially true for areas that your brush doesn’t reach and food residues stay.

This is usually controlled by oral hygiene products. However, it will reappear constantly until you get rid of the infection.

Its presence could indicate:

  • Gingivitis
  • Cavities
  • Dental abscesses
  • Bacterial tartar
  • Changes to your saliva

2. Wearing away of your enamel

When you have a dental infection, the bacteria in your mouth produce an acid. This acid wears away the enamel that protects your teeth.

These substances accumulate in a rough textured plaque. This causes yellow spots because of certain food residues.

Not being able to control the infection can cause a severe weakening of your tooth. This can make it lose density and break.

3. Jaw and tooth pain

A feeling of pain in your jaw and teeth, either constant or intermittent, can also be a signal of an infection. It can signal the development of periodontal diseases or tooth infections.

Generally, these have to do with an accumulation of plaque.

It could also have to do with residues that make it easier for bacteria to grow.

This symptom should be looked at by a dentist. This is because it can be caused by several oral diseases or injuries.

4. Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums appear when there’s some kind of injury or infection that affects your gums.

It’s normal to notice it every once in a while, when you brush your teeth or use dental floss. You can even notice this when you eat certain foods. However, if you notice it frequently, you should get it checked out.

Its main cause is toxins that cause plaque on your teeth.

5. Inflammation and redness

Periodontal infection, which includes cavities, causes gum inflammation and reddening. This is almost always accompanied by pain.

Taking care of it quickly is important for preventing complications. This is because the swelling can spread to your jaw bone.

6. Loose teeth

Feeling loose teeth is more than enough of a reason to see a dentist.

This indicates the progression of a dental infection. At the same time, it tells you that the bone structure that supports your teeth is eroding

It’s normal for this to happen when you don’t take care of gingivitis in time. This can then turn into periodontitis.

This disease can make the teeth in the affected area move. In severe cases, it causes bone deterioration.

7. Pus

The appearance of pus in your gums is a signal that alerts you to potential periodontal diseases.

This is an immune system response to an attack of pathogenic bacteria that cause the infection. At the start, they can cause some “sacs”. These sacks are called abscesses and they have blood and pus in them.

This is a complex infectious process and should be treated by a professional. This is because if you don’t treat it in time, it can cause irreversible damage.

The infection can start to destroy your alveolar bone. This is the bone that supports your teeth.


Any suspected infection or disease of your teeth or gums should be examined by a professional. These problems can start to cause issues quickly.

The infections in your mouth can start to affect other important organs by way of your bloodstream. That’s why it’s important to give them the proper treatment.

To reduce the risk of any dental infection, it’s important to have good oral hygiene. You should also see your dentist regularly.

Via: WikiHow | Dentaly

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