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5 Effective Home Remedies to Treat Styes

Styes are a bacterial infection near the eye and can affect you in several ways. External styes usually appear in the sebaceous glands located on the edge of the eyelids, at the base of the eyelashes or in the sweat glands. On the other hand, internal styes are those that appear on the inner surface of the eyelid. Continue learn to learn how to treat styes.

These infections are usually accompanied by a reddish bump on the affected eye. These bumps are filled with water and pus. If you ever have a stye, you shouldn’t pop it.

If you do so, it will release the bacteria from the bump can cause it to spread in or on the eye and more styes will appear.

The problem with this is that the new stye is usually more painful than the previous one. The good news is that styes don’t present a danger to your eye function or general health.

A stye usually remains on the eye for about a week. Then, it breaks off naturally, without causing any damage when your immune system neutralizes the bacteria.

Complications are rare but, if they occur, the cornea may get irritated, or an infection or deformity of the eyelid may appear.

The symptoms that indicate the possible appearance of a stye are:

  • The sensation of drooping eyelid
  • Redness on the lash line
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Excessive blinking
  • Uncontrollable tearing
  • Blurred vision

Why do styes appear?

Bad hygiene habits are the main cause of styes. If you have a developing stye or if they constantly appear, you should make an effort to keep the area around your eyes clean. That way you can make sure dirt and bacteria won’t build up on your eyelid.

Bacterial infections are the main cause of this condition. These infections are caused because the sebaceous glands in the eye are blocked. When these glands are blocked, they allow the infection to mature, which is just how acne forms on the face, chest or neck.

Other factors that cause styes to appear:

  • Lack of hygiene
  • Poor diet
  • Touching your eyes too much
  • Using infected towels
  • Dehydration
  • Immune deficiency

Home Remedies to Treat Styes

1. Garlic

While any strong mixture can cause irritation if you put it close to your eye, garlic juice helps you quickly relieve the infection. Garlic will help you eyelid heal quickly due to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

Just crush a couple of garlic cloves and then apply some of the juice on the affected eyelid. Its properties will be absorbed and will take action even if the stye is internal. When applying the garlic juice, make sure that it doesn’t fall into your eye. A good choice is to use a slightly moistened swab to help you apply the garlic juice.

2. Potatoes

Potatoes are another excellent ingredient that treat styes. Due to them containing a good amount of astringent properties, potatoes can reduce inflammation and swelling. At the same time, swelling makes it difficult for the blood to reach the affected area.

All you need to do is to grate a potato, place a little bit on a gauze pad and press gently against the affected eyelid. This will make the stye disappear quickly.

3. Chamomile and green tea

After drinking a satisfying cup of green tea or chamomile tea, store the tea bags in the refrigerator. When they’re cold, you can apply them directly over your eye. The antioxidant compounds in the tea quickly fight the infection, helping to get rid of the stye.

4. Onions

Despite their bad reputation for making people cry, onions are packed with antioxidants and antibacterial agents that can eliminate bacteria quickly.

Just like potatoes, you only have to chop a few pieces of onion, place the pieces on a gauze pad and press it against the affected eyelid. Don’t be alarmed if you start to cry a little. That just means the onion pieces are working.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can do a lot of good for your eye.

  • Mix a little water with turmeric and bring to a boil.
  • This is how you’ll get a remedy that you can apply on the stye with a clean cloth.
  • If you do it two or three times a day, you’ll speed up the healing process.

Although most styes are harmless, no one can deny that they’re irritating and can be complicated in some cases. For this reason, if you notice that styes frequently appear on or in your eye, it’s better that you consult with your ophthalmologist to make sure you don’t have a more serious problem. If so, don’t worry so much, they know exactly how to treat styes.

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