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Refreshing Homemade Ginger Ale Recipe that Relieves Migraines

Ginger has been clinically proven to have exceptional medicinal qualities. Used as a herb in many traditional recipes, Ginger is known to provide relief from nausea, upset stomach, muscles aches and pain and many more benefits.

Ginger as such is a very common spice which can be found in almost all households. A little dash of ginger when added to our regular tea not only makes it favorable to drink, it also gives instant relief from headaches or cold.

One of the healthiest ways to intake ginger is through homemade ginger ale. It not only provides a boost to your immune system but also helps fights a number of diseases. With this simple, easy to make Homemade Ginger Ale recipe, you can give yourself a healthy drink in quick time.

Refreshing Homemade Ginger Ale Recipe that Relieves Migraines

Ingredients needed:

  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 cup peeled and grated Ginger
  • Honey
  • Sparkling Carbonated water
  • 2 limes
  • Mint Leaves (Optional)

The Recipe for the Best Homemade Ginger Ale

First, get the four cups of water into a small bowl and put it on the gas to boil. Once it starts boiling put the grated ginger in it. Put the heat on the lower range and let it simmer for about 5 minutes. Once done you can strain it with a kitchen strainer.

Mix the Ginger water with sparkling water and add lime juice and honey for the taste. You can add mint leaves to give it the extra fresh and minty taste. This can either be served at room temperature of you can serve it chilled.

Health Benefits of Ginger

Headaches – Ginger is proven to be extremely useful to ease out headaches and migraines. Ginger Ale or ginger tea can boost your immunity and give relief from the throbbing headache. Next time you have one, instead of popping the pill on a whim; try the Homemade Ginger Ale or Ginger Tea, which would surely aid in lessening the pain.

Nausea – Ginger is one of the most popular anti-nausea spices that you may find. Ginger Ale is recommended for those who have sea sickness, motion sickness and also for pregnant ladies as nausea is one of the major elements during early stages of pregnancy.

Ginger for Overall Health

Apart from the above, ginger is great for your health as it increases your immunity which helps you in fighting off diseases. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover it is an ingredient that can be found easily and will not dig a hole in your pocket.

Via: Daily Health Post

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health

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