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10 Reasons for Hair Loss Every Woman Should Know

Hair goes through different phases: it grows, absorbs nutrients and, after time, it falls out in order to make room for new hair.

In this process, it’s normal to lose up to 100 stands of hair a day. What’s not normal, however, is excessive hair loss that significantly reduces hair volume.

Those who suffer from hair loss can really notice the effects when brushing, combing or towel drying their hair, as well as in other situations when handling hair.

When hair loss becomes serious, noticeable bald spots can begin to form. In addition to being an aesthetic problem, hair loss can affect self-esteem.

Currently, there are many cosmetic treatments that can reverse the situation. However, knowing the reasons for hair loss is crucial for controlling it effectively.

Reasons for hair loss you should know

Excessive hair loss occurs when hair follicles experience some kind of change. There may be other factors in play as well.

1. Prolonged exposure to stress

Prolonged exposure to stress is one of the possible reasons for hair loss. The hair loss occurs as a result of an increased production of cortisol, which is a hormone that negatively affects hair’s health.

2. Taking certain medications

There are many medications out there that include excessive hair loss as one of their symptoms.

Taking these medications for a long period of time weakens hair follicles and thins out hair:

  • Chemotherapy medication
  • Blood-pressure medication
  • Medication for Parkinson’s and cardiovascular problems

3. Iron deficiency

One of the biggest reasons for hair loss is the anemia that results from iron deficiency.

Low iron levels in the bloodstream doesn’t allow capillary cells to get the oxygen that they need, which leads to weaker strands.

4. Excessive oil

For hair that’s strong and healthy, its natural oils have to be balanced.

If sebaceous glands produce too much oil, it can lead to a variety of problems.

The sebum build-up in hair follicles blocks their oxygen and nutrient flow. In addition, it also leads to dandruff.

5. Scalp infections

The scalp is one of the body’s most delicate areas of skin. If we don’t take care for it properly, you have higher risks of suffering from bacterial or fungal infections.

These conditions don’t just hurt hair follicles, but they also lead to allergies and other symptoms.

6. Consuming alcohol and tobacco

The toxins in alcohol and cigarettes lead to a reduce blood supply for hair follicles.

Using these products frequently harms cells progressively and increases the risk of excessive hair loss.

7. Certain illnesses

There are many chronic illnesses that imply hair loss. Whether it results from a weakened immune system or from complications in absorbing nutrients, such illnesses can weaken your hair.

The most common cases are:

  • Thyroid gland conditions
  • Lupus
  • Syphilis
  • Cancer
  • Autoimmune diseases

8. Androgenic alopecia

Your hair loss might also originate from hereditary reasons.

In cases of androgenic alopecia, hair follicles are thinner due to higher levels of masculine hormones and genetic predisposition.

9. Alopecia areata

There isn’t an exact cause that can explain alopecia areata. However, it’s common in cases where patients have dealt with some kind of autoimmune disease.

With this disorder, patients lose hair in a specific area in their body, almost always in small, round patches.

Alopecia areata affects both men and women of all ages, but it’s more common in children and adolescents.

10. Hormonal changes

Hair loss that results from hormonal changes occurs more frequently in women. It often occurs after a pregnancy or before and after menopause.

It’s a temporary form of hair loss that normally stops naturally when hormonal activity normalizes. Hair loss can also affect birth-control users or hormonal therapy patients.

Is one of these factors the root of your hair loss? If you notice thinning hair that keeps falling out, make an appointment with your doctor.

Via: Prevention | WebMD

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