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Pubic Hair Removal – Can It Really Cause Serious Health Problems?

Did you know that 87% of American women resort to some kind of pubic hair removal? Some wax, other shave, and it has become the beauty standard for all women around the globe. It’s considered to be inappropriate to show up on a beach with your hair peeking out of your bikini, and many women don’t even go to the beach if they haven’t removed their pubic hair.

It’s also starting to take hold of our love life as well, many women don’t want to engage in a sexual intercourse if they haven’t recently shaved or waxed. What’s even more surprising, men have started to do it too, and quite a lot of them as a matter of fact. Astonishing, isn’t it?

It’s quite possible that we’ll need to blame it on the Ancient Greeks and Egyptians for introducing this practice to the modern world; it’s believed that pubic hair removal has originated from Ancient times, but it was reintroduced into the beauty standards sometime between 1915 and 1945. The golden days of pubic hair removal were most definitely the 80’s, and since then it’s become all the rage.

Pubic Hair Removal-Can-It-Really-Cause-Serious-Health-Problems

Who would have thought that forceful pulling and plucking of hair from your most delicate parts can become so popular? It’s as if we’re torturing ourselves on purpose, and to what end? It seems that we’ve been doing it wrong all along and it may have been causing us many health problems.

The reasons behind pubic hair removal are numerous, many believe that it’s the best look for the summer season, it makes you feel more attractive, it’s more comfortable and maybe one of the main reasons is the belief that it’s more hygienic and cleaner. Or at least that’s what everybody has been saying. Ironically, it may be that pubic hair isn’t so hygienic after all, it could be that it’s quite the contrary.

Can Pubic Hair Removal Really Cause Serious Health Problems?

Doctors have started to advice against pubic hair removal, as it can lead to some serious health issues. Research from the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology has revealed that 60 percent of women who remove their pubic hair have experienced some sort of complication as a result, most often epidermal abrasions and ingrown hairs. But some of the consequences can include severe skin irritation, infections and even STD s. So if you are among those 87 percent who regularly shave or wax their pubic region you might want to reconsider it, and here are some of the reasons which may make you think twice next time you’re at the waxing salon.

Removing your pubic hair increases the risk of genital warts. The pubic hair act as a shield between your skin and your partner’s skin and removing them can make you more susceptible to genital warts. They can be quite small and easy to miss, so the person with genital warts may not even know he has them

Pubic hair removal can irritate your skin and cause you skin problems. Waxing and shaving is usually done on a regular basis, so it leaves your skin frequently irritated and leaves microscopic open wounds. Since the irritation is down there, it’s much more unpleasant than on any other part of your body.

Pubic hair increases the pheromone levels and this is what attracts us to each other.

By removing your pubic hair you increase the risk for STI, especially Molluscum constagiosum. Pubic hair removal affects the skin membrane, creating favorable conditions for bacteria to enter our body. The strongest case to support this claim is the increase of Molluscum contagiosum cases alongside the increase in rates of pubic hair removal.

This is a contagious skin infection which spreads with sexual intercourse, and causes raised, pearl like papules on the skin. And the number of cases has increased in the last 10 years. A study from Nice, France conducted on 30 persons who had contracted Molluscum contagiosum showed that 93% of them had their pubic hair removed, in four cases the papules had spread to the abdomen, and in one it even spread to the thighs.

Well, we’ve made our case against pubic hair removal and all the risks it carries, but it’s up to you to make the decision, we just wanted to make sure you’re aware of all the damages it may cause to your body. Now you can make an educated decision and if you do decide to continue with this practice don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Via: SutterHealth | TheTelegraph | GirlsHealth 

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