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6 Healthy Habits to Help You Prevent Nervous Breakdown

Many people are looking for ways to prevent nervous breakdown or anxiety attacks. Panic attacks start suddenly and are characterized by symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, or shortness of breath, among many others.

Healthy Habits to Prevent Nervous Breakdown

In this article, you’ll learn about six healthy habits that can help you prevent anxiety attacks. However, you should never substitute a medical diagnosis and other treatment possibilities for this advice.

If you sense a panic attack getting closer, follow these tips to improve your quality of life.

1. Get some physical exercise

Getting regular exercise can help you to improve your physical health. However, it also has a positive impact on your psychology, even though few studies can support these claims.

Playing sports or doing exercise helps improve your mood and prevent anxiety and depression in the short and long term. It does this both right after the session and also continues to do so in the long term with regular exercise.

The ideal routine would be to have exercise sessions of 30 or 40 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise three times a week. This could help you reduce or prevent nervous breakdowns and anxiety attacks.

Regular practice of physical exercise provides important benefits for mental health. In fact, it is an excellent therapeutic resource to avoid anxiety attacks.

2. Learn to breathe correctly

One of the symptoms of a nervous breakdown or panic attack is difficulty breathing or feeling as if you’re suffocating. In fact, it can be one of the warning signs that an attack is about to begin.

In this way, if you learn to control your breathing it will help you to prevent panic attacks or, if you’re already having one, end it as quickly as possible. Hyperventilating is one of the factors that can keep you from being able to come out of the panic attack.

So, what does learning how to control your breathing even mean? Some activities such as yoga and other similar disciplines dedicate time to teaching you how to breathe deeply and with your whole body.

How to:

  • To begin, sit down, if possible, with your elbows on the armrest to avoid tension in your shoulders.
  • Your breathing should be soft, slow, regular, and, of course, calm.
  • Breathe through your nose and fill your abdomen with air in 4 seconds.
  • Then, hold your breath for 2 seconds.
  • Then slowly exhale through your mouth in 4 seconds.
  • Wait a few seconds and repeat for several minutes.
  • Practice this every day.

3. Follow a balanced and nutritional diet

A balanced diet is very important as a complement to any medical treatment. There are always some foods that are important to avoid because they could be potentially harmful, while others will provide you with very beneficial nutrients.

In the case of anxiety, the best diet is one rich in fiber and essential fatty acids. These foods will help you improve your gut microbiota, which is related to anxiety disorders, depression and stress.

4. Draw upon natural remedies and supplements

Some natural remedies can help us balance the nervous system. In this way, you can reach a state of relaxation and prevent nervous breakdowns by using some medicinal plants.

Some of them are:

  • Passionflower
  • Lavender
  • Hypericum

Some supplements may also be effective. However, it’s important to only take them if you have a prescription:

  • Magnesium
  • Lysine

Soothing remedies, such as passionflower tea, are good alternatives for dealing with anxiety. However, they should be taken with caution, as they are not without causing adverse effects.

5. Enjoy life

To end anxiety in a definitive way you must delve into your emotions. In your plan to prevent anxiety attacks, you can’t forget about all the people, things, or activities that fill you with positive feelings and emotions.

You must pursue emotional well-being to achieve a higher quality of life. You must seek this through joy, gratitude, vitality, and hope. In other words, you must fill your life with what inspires you and gives you satisfaction.

6. Psychotherapy to prevent nervous breakdowns

Finally, if you feel overcome by anxiety, it’s important to seek professional help as soon as possible. You shouldn’t compare yourself with other people or wait for a crisis to become more serious.

Psychotherapy will help you understand and express the emotions you’re having that are triggering this disorder. Also, your therapist will evaluate the possible causes and why you’re suffering from an anxiety crisis. Lastly, you’ll find about possible treatments, depending on the severity of your condition.

You’ll only be able to confront this crisis if you seek treatment. That being said, this advice may help you to reduce your risk in a gradual way so you can improve your quality of life.

Via: LondonMindful | LifeHack

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