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Prevent Hair Loss With Coconut Oil

If you are going through websites and magazines looking for natural hair care products, you may often find “coconut oil” listed as a super-food for the hair. This is due to coconut oil’s antifungal and antibacterial properties. Coconut oil is also very rich in vitamins and minerals. Coconut oil prevents hair breakage and hair loss.

This is due to coconut oil’s property to prevent proteins loss. If you use this oil twice a week and you massage your scalp while applying it, you will notice hydrated scalp and improved circulation as well.

How to use this natural remedy for hair loss

If you want to stop hair loss, use this oil warm and massage your scalp very gently. This way the oil will penetrate deeply into the follicles and will strengthen and nurture your hair.

coconut oil for hair loss

Warm the oil right before using it. This way you will gain maximum results. While massaging your scalp make sure you are putting enough oil so it can be applied everywhere onto your scalp. Give your scalp 5-minute massage and then leave the oil onto your hair for one hour. After that wash your hair with shampoo that contains natural extracts.

Tip: Leave the coconut oil onto your scalp for 2 to 4 hours if you want to gain maximum results.

Important thing is to wash your hair properly because otherwise the oil may clog onto your scalp. This way you will inhibit hair growth.

Coconut oil is considered to have amazing properties against head lice. It is also very efficient when it comes to treating pimples which may appear on your head’s skin. It will not only stimulate hair growth, but it will also make your hair look shiny and healthy. It will also get rid of head lice, will clean dandruff, and will act as a natural moisturizer.

Applying coconut oil in order to stimulate hair growth is one the best solutions you could try. It will make your hair vibrant, sexy and beautiful. If you still have any doubt coconut oil’s benefits, do a little research and see for yourselves how many hair care products contain this amazing oil.

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health

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