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11 Easy Ways to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes Naturally

Blood sugar spikes happens when the blood sugar rises and falls after you eat something. In short terms, that can lead to hunger and lethargy.

But over time, the body won’t be able to reduce the blood sugar efficiently, and that can cause type 2 diabetes.

Blood sugar spikes might even cause the blood vessels to harden and narrow over time. This might increase the risks of stroke and heart attack.

Therefore, it is important to keep the blood glucose levels at a normal level to lower the chance of future health complications. There are simple and easy ways you can do that.

11 Easy Ways to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes

1. Cut Down on Sugar

In case you have the habit of consuming a lot of processed foods such as candy, cookies, and sodas you need to stop immediately. Added sugar particularly sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup are useless for the body.

They are empty calories. They do not contribute to your health and lead to immediate increase in the blood sugar levels because they can break down easily.

This over time can cause insulin resistance, which means that the cell won’t be able to respond to insulin. It will inhibit them from absorbing the excess amount of sugar from the bloodstream, and that will cause failure or lowering of the blood glucose levels.

In case you do not want to avoid sugar completely, replace it with the natural substitutes such as jaggery.

2. Exercise Often

Exercising on a regular basis can aid to keep the blood sugar levels in check simply by increasing the sensitivity of cells to insulin. Meaning the more you exercise, the better the cells will absorb the excess blood sugar.

Also, exercise induces the muscle cells to absorb sugar from the bloodstream and contributes to lower blood sugar levels.

You can try a healthy combination of moderate-intensity and high-intensity exercises daily to push your body and lose weight quickly and efficiently.

3. Consume Plenty of Water

When the body is dehydrated, it makes vasopressin. Vasopressin is actually a hormone which encourages the kidneys to hold fluid and prevents the body to eliminate the excess sugar through urine.

Also, it signals the liver to release sugar into the bloodstream. Consuming plenty of water on a daily basis can keep the body hydrated, and it also can aid inhibit the release of vasopressin.

Learn to consume water as soon as you get thirsty. Many people replace thirst with hunger and eat instead. In order, not to make this mistake make sure to drink at least 2 glasses of water slowly before you decide to eat.

Increase the water intake especially when you are more active, working out or in hot weather. Furthermore, make sure to consume only plain water, avoid store-bought juices, and sodas. These drinks have excess sugar that is why it is important to consume only plain water.

4. Get Enough Sleep

Too much or too little sleep is linked to poor blood glucose control. You should be aware that even 1 night of bad sleep or no sleep influences negatively on your blood glucose levels.

Remember, it is important to sleep at least 8 hours on a daily basis. And remember quality is also important as quantity. Meaning that you need 8 hours of deep sleep in order to be rested and fight the blood sugar spikes.

5. Maintain Your Weight

If you are obese or overweight, it might a more difficult for your body to use the insulin in order to control the rising blood sugar levels.

The link between both is still not clear. However, there is strong evidence which suggests that obesity is connected to insulin resistance and a bigger risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Adopt healthy habits, and in that way, you will be able to lose weight, and improve the control over your blood sugar.

6. Get Enough Magnesium and Chromium

According to studies magnesium and chromium might be effective when it comes to controlling the blood sugar spikes.

Magnesium – Magnesium is a mineral connected to control of the blood sugar. In one particular study, there were 48 participants. Half of them took 600 mg magnesium supplement and advice about their lifestyle.

The other half just got advice about their lifestyle. The group that got magnesium supplements got an increase of insulin sensitivity. Rich sources of magnesium are peanuts, spinach, avocados, cashews, and almonds.

Chromium – This is also a mineral you need to take in small amounts. It is believed that it can increase the action of insulin. This probably can help control the blood sugar spikes simply by encouraging the cells to absorb sugar.

In one study, 13 healthy individuals were given 75 g of white bread without or with chromium added. Those who consumed white bread with added chromium had around 20 percent reduction in the blood sugar right after a meal.

However, there are other findings which suggest that there is no effect of chromium regarding the control of the blood sugar in healthy individuals. Food sources rich in chromium are Brazil nuts, broccoli, tomatoes, shellfish, and egg yolks.

Another study made an investigation of the combined effects of magnesium and chromium on blood sugar. The researchers came to the discovery that the combination of both minerals increased sensitivity than either supplement alone.

7. Lower the Alcohol Intake

Alcohol and the different types of alcoholic drinks such as mixed drinks, and cocktails contain a lot of added sugar. The same as the added sugar in foods, alcohol can lead to blood glucose spikes.

You should know that most alcoholic drinks contain little to almost zero nutritional value, and they are just empty calories. Moreover, you need to be aware that heavy drinking for a long time can lead to type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.

On the other hand, controlled and moderate drinking can have a protective impact and efficient control of the blood sugar. Furthermore, moderate drinking can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Just make sure to drink with moderation. Remember, you can consume everything as long as you do it with moderation.

8. Eat Plenty of Fiber

Fiber is made of parts of plant foods, and it is usually in 2 categories that are insoluble and soluble fiber. The soluble fiber can help the body to control the blood sugar spikes.

After you consume it, what it does is that it dissolves and makes a substance that looks like gel. This aids to slow the rate of carb absorption by the gut.

As a result, this leads to steady fall and rise in the blood sugar, instead of the sudden and unhealthy spike. Good sources of soluble fiber are blueberries, nuts, oranges, legumes, oats, apples, and vegetables.

9. Add Vinegar to Your Diet

You should know that apple cider vinegar is connected to blood sugar control, cholesterol reduction, and weight loss. According to studies vinegar consumption can aid increase the insulin response and reduce the blood sugar spikes.

If you include vinegar in your food that can help you reduce the overall GI and that may be very helpful when it comes to lowering the spikes in the blood sugar.

10. Avoid Refined Carbs

Processed or refined carbs are refined grains or sugars which are stripped of all vitamins, nutrients, fiber, and minerals. Sources of refined carbs include breakfast cereals, table sugar, desserts, white rice, soda, white bread, and candy.

The refined carbs have a high GI, i.e., glycemic index because they are easily digested, and that causes fast spikes in the blood sugar.

You replace refined carbs with the whole-grain foods such as low-starch vegetables, fruits, and legumes which come with a lower GI.

11. Reduce Carbs

When there is a rise in your blood sugar levels mostly is because of the carbs. When you consume carbs, your body breaks carbs into simple sugars. These sugars enter your bloodstream. The rise in your blood sugar sends signals to the pancreas to release insulin.

Insulin is a hormone that can cause sugar absorption by the cells so the blood glucose levels can drop. Consider to consume a low-carb diet, and that can help stop the blood sugar spikes.

This kind of diet can also help you lose weight, and that can additionally help to lower the sudden increase in your blood sugar.


In order to avoid spikes in your blood sugar you need to make simple changes in your diet, stick to high-fiber and low-carb diet and avoid refined grains and added sugars.

Make sure to drink plenty of water, exercise on a regular basis and maintain your weight. In case you are under any medications, or you have any medical conditions, you need to consult your doctor about any possible diet changes.

Generally speaking, for most people simple lifestyle and diet changes is a good way to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.

Via: CureJoy | HealthLine | NCBI | NCBI | AJCN

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