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Powerful Natural Cancer Remedy, Also Cures 101 Other Diseases

There are numerous facts proving the healing power of this natural remedy, including its power to cure hormonal and blood disorders, purifies the blood vessels, literally enhances the immune system, cleanses the liver, improves the brain function, protects from heart attack and cardiovascular diseases. This recipe is considered as the best natural cancer remedy.

Ingredients needed for this remedy:

  • 15 ripe lemons
  • 12 garlic cloves
  • 1 kg(2.2lbs) of organic honey
  • 400 g wheat germs
  • 400 g walnuts

Method of preparation:

First grind the wheat germ’s. Then grind the garlic and walnuts together, and add five lemons with the zest (do not peel them). Squeeze the juice out of the remaining 10 lemons and add it to the mixture.

Add the honey and mix all the ingredients together. Pour the mixture into sterilized glass jars and close them well. Store the jars in the fridge. After three days the remedy is ready for use.

Powerful Natural Remedy for Cancer


Variant 1: 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, dinner and before bedtime, 1-2 tablespoons

Variant 2: As a natural cancer remedy – every 2 hours, 1-2 tablespoons.

This unique combination is for treating the entire body:

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels,
  • Strengthens the immune system,
  • For purification of the liver, kidney and the respiratory system,
  • Purification of the digestive tract by pathogenic microflora,
  • Improvement of the activity of the brain and memory,
  • Protects against heart attack, stroke and improves the way of life after these diseases,
  • For body revitalization after surgery, the best natural remedy for cancer and tumors,
  • Preserves the freshness of the body, keeps the beauty and gives youth and energy because it contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals, bio active substances, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health


  1. Denise Zimmer October 4, 2014 Reply
    • BestHH October 5, 2014 Reply
  2. gab May 18, 2015 Reply
    • BestHH May 19, 2015 Reply

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