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Pomegranate Vinegar: Benefits, Uses and Preparation

The pomegranate is a fruit that is obtained from the pomegranate. It has in its interior several lobes with seeds filled with a red and juicy pulp, which is usually used in the production of products such as wine, jams, condiments and even cosmetics. This time, we will talk about pomegranate vinegar.

Vinegar is a sour liquid that is obtained from the fermentation of wine or any alcohol. In this process, the alcohol oxidizes, since bacteria of the genus Acetobacter and aerobic yeasts act, transforming the wine into acetic acid.

To be more precise, it is a diluted solution to which additional salts and extracts are added, which are what give it a quality different from the others. There are vinegars of different fruits or cereals, such as apple or rice. In any case, sugar is the basis of all production. How to make pomegranate vinegar? What are its benefits? Keep reading!

Pomegranate Vinegar Benefits

A comparative evaluation published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture determined that pomegranate vinegar “has antioxidant activity and phenolic content similar to that of red wine vinegars and superior to most of the white wine vinegars studied“.

Therefore, its inclusion in the regular diet contributes to good health. Specifically, it reduces the negative action of free radicals and, incidentally, the risk of diseases. Let’s see in detail its most outstanding benefits.

1. Helps fight body fat

In an animal study reported in Lipids in Health and Disease, the administration of pomegranate vinegar was found to decrease the percentage of body fat, weight and the oxidation of fatty acids in the liver.

The research was carried out on rats, which were divided into 5 groups. They were given the pomegranate vinegar for 16 weeks. Everything indicates that the changes occurred thanks to the fact that the diet stimulated the AMPK enzyme, which refers to activated protein kinase. This is responsible for regulating metabolism and reducing lipids.

2. Improves liver health

As observed in the study of rats, vinegar helps reduce liver fat. This occurs in part because acetic acid causes the oxidation of fats in the liver, which prevents fatty liver. This disease occurs when fat accumulates in the liver. It can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic.

When it is alcoholic, alcohol damages the liver. Non-alcoholic occurs when fat accumulates in this organ. It is known that those who suffer from overweight, diabetes or high levels of fat are more likely to suffer it.

Its treatment is varied, but diet plays a leading role. Thus, supplements such as pomegranate vinegar can help. In any case, it must be considered that the evidence is limited and it should not be a first-choice remedy.

How to Prepare It?

All vinegar goes through two different biochemical procedures, both of which result from the action of different microorganisms. The first is alcoholic fermentation, which transforms sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. The second is the action of acetobacteria to combine oxygen with alcohol.

In the specific case of making pomegranate vinegar, the following is necessary:

  • 3 large pomegranates,
  • 4 tbsp. of muscovado sugar (60 g),
  • water,
  • blender,
  • a wide container,
  • fine fabric.


  • To prepare it, you must peel the fruit, so that you remove the membrane inside.
  • Then, put the seeds with the juicy pulp in a blender and process.
  • Transfer to a wide container, add a liter of water and the muscovado sugar .
  • Cover with a fine cloth to keep dirt or insects out. Leave in a dark place at room temperature.

Fermentation is a spontaneous process. It occurs when microorganisms feed on organic compounds and turn them into simple compounds. It takes six to eight weeks, depending on the weather it gets in. Alcohol is produced first and then acetic fermentation. That is, the vinegar will form.

As time passes, the level of acidity and odor should be checked. Then, it is strained on the cloth that covered it and packed in clean bottles with lids. You have to let it rest for a few weeks unopened. In turn, it is important not to cover the container.

How to add pomegranate vinegar in the diet?

An interesting feature of this food is its versatility. It is ideal for dressing salads, meat dishes, drinks, desserts and vinaigrettes. Here is a simple recipe.


  • 1 tbsp. of pomegranate vinegar (15 ml),
  • 1 tbsp. of honey (15 g),
  • salt and pepper to taste,
  • 1 tbsp. of olive oil (15 ml),
  • pomegranate seeds.


  • Add all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
  • You should always test the acidity, if it is very acid add more water or oil. It all depends on how you like your dressing.

Despite its properties, pomegranate vinegar is not a remedy to fight diseases. It is important to include it in the framework of a healthy and balanced diet to obtain its benefits.

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