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Peach Extract Kills Cancer Cells, Researchers were Shocked by the Results

As the old saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But, it turns out that peach extract from three peaches can keep any cancer away.

As a matter of fact, this delicious fruit is not good only when it comes to protection from cancer; it also has the ability to trigger self-destruction in cancerous cells. This was confirmed by a recent scientific study.

Giuliana Noratto, a respected food researcher at Washington State University together with her colleagues at A & M Texas, discovered that polyphenol chemicals naturally found in peaches can trigger response in our bodies that can eliminate cancerous cells.

Peach Extract Kills Cancer Cells

In fact, specific signals found in these cells are turned on which leads to self-destruction of ill cells.

Cancerous cells, also known as metastatic cells, are spreading all over the body. This process was slowed down in lab rats who received a shot of breast cancer cells.

This type of cancer is the most common and most fatal cancer in women in the United States and that’s why Noratto and her colleagues used it in this test.

However, they have found the peaches, or the polyphenols found in them to be more precise, destroy every type of cancer cells.

Peach Extract is Much Safer than Chemotherapy

The main point is that they eliminate only cancer cells. Chemotherapy destroys healthy cells too. The substances in peaches can identify the affected cells and they interact only with these cells. The scientists are convinced that a concentrated peach extract will provide cancer treatment without nasty side effects typical for chemo.

According to the tests, a woman that weighs about 130 pounds will have to consume three peaches on a daily basis in order to feel the positive cancer-eliminating effects of this fruit. The researches have witnessed slowed progress of cancer cells when they injected the extract in rats. This was not something out of the ordinary, but their next observation almost shocked them.

Noratto and her colleagues found that cells are dying. The polyphenols from the peaches made the cancerous cells suicidal. So, the spreading of these dangerous cells was slowed and eventually stopped.

At this point they were not considering metastasis. This team of scientists was not thinking about combinations with chemotherapy because they wanted to find out whether completely natural healing is possible. So, they were not interested in metastasis yet, they only wanted to eliminate cancer cells. On the 12th day of this research, the researchers saw that the blood vessel structure that helped the cancer cells spread was slowed down and had less activity.

When the first research was finished, the researchers concluded that peaches with red color have more compounds capable of eliminating cancer. So, Blushing Star, Elberta, Redhaven and Cresthaven might be the best varieties for this purpose. The study was conducted with Rich Lady peach.

Isn’t This Great?

Noratto and her colleagues concluded that the specific compounds and substances found in peaches that trigger self-destruction in cancer cells aren’t very stable when they are heated. So, instead of using canned peaches, use fresh, juicy and organic peaches. As we have already mentioned, they have used peach extract in the study and you can find such extract in grocery stores. Look for ones that come with neochlorogenic and chlorogenic compounds.

When we compare the peach extract to chemotherapy we will notice that when this extract is used on lab mice, peach extract was able to fight and eliminate even the most aggressive forms of cancer cells and unlike chemo it didn’t affect healthy cells at all.

Via: USA Today

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