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Natural Teeth Whitening – Homemade Recipe for White and Strong Teeth from the Tibetan Monks

It’s a well-known fact that Tibetan monks are extremely healthy and youthful even when they grow older. This goes for their teeth as well, even though they don’t have access to proper dental care and hygiene in the high mountain areas. What’s their secret? They practice an ancient method for natural teeth whitening which requires only 2 ingredients.

Their recipe and method for natural teeth whitening is really simple and easy and we’ll share their secret for white and strong teeth until old age. The natural toothpaste they use is prepared with only two ingredients and is really easy to use.


You need Pink Himalayan salt, half a glass of water and a toothbrush. Boil the water and then cool it off and put half a tbsp. of the pink Himalayan salt in it. Stir it until the salt has dissolved and just remove the foam you created in the surface from all the stirring.

How to use this natural teeth whitening mixture?

Take your toothbrush and apply a bit of the mixture on it and brush your teeth like you usually do. After you’ve finished brushing, rinse your teeth with the remaining water.

Brush your teeth with this natural toothpaste every morning, evening and after every meal for amazing results. You may feel some slight discomfort at first because the salted water may make your teeth more sensitive to sour-sweet or hot-cold variations but don’t worry. That effect is only temporary.

The best thing about this natural toothpaste is that it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and destroys all the bacteria in the mouth. Just after a few applications you’ll notice your tooth enamel getting stronger and it’ll cement the cracks and bumps on the surface. This paste will also make your teeth pearly white and your gums strong and pink. It’s give you the Hollywood smile in no time!

Via: PositiveMed

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