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Natural Remedy For Headache and Many Other Diseases

Honey, nuts, garlic and apple cider vinegar are groceries almost every housewife possesses, and if they are not currently in your kitchen, you can very easily find them. This food is one of the best cures for almost all diseases, including as a remedy for headache and migraines.

Honey is best for sleep and good dream. If a spoonful of honey during dinner is not enough for some solid sleep, folk medicine recommends honey stirred in a small cup with three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

You’ll immediately fall asleep after only a half an hour. If while you suffer from insomnia despite this medicine, try to take two teaspoons of the mixture.

Natural Remedy For Headache and Many Other Diseases

If you suffer from anemia, you need to mix a kilogram of honey, half a kilogram of crushed nuts and a lemon. Mix all the ingredients and take one teaspoon every three to four hours. The mixture is very good for the recovering anemic and exhausted people.

For the treatment of hypertension, or if you have iron deficiency, daily consume 3.3 oz /100g of walnuts with 3.3 oz / 100g of honey, at least for 45 days.

Honey and nuts are very effective as a remedy for headache. One teaspoon of honey with three or four nuts is not only delicious, but also a great natural remedy for headaches, insomnia and sclerosis.

Your stomach ulcer will go away much faster and more efficiently if half an hour before eating, you take five, six teaspoons of nut milk. You can prepare nut milk like this: You should pour 3.3 oz / 100ml warm boiling water over 20g of ground nuts, stir the mixture well. Drain it and add two teaspoons of honey.

If you want to improve your body, take 2.2 lbs / 1kg of honey, ten lemons juice, and 10 cloves of garlic juice. Mix all the ingredients and let them stay in a closed jar for a week. Then eat the mixture once a day by taking 4 teaspoons. You have to drink regularly within 2 months to get the desired effect. This remedy is good for asthma and wheezing.

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