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5 Most Effective Natural Anxiolytics for Calming Anxiety

Anxiety is the early warning reaction to different situations and moments that are usually considered “dangerous” or “threatening” for those that experience them.

Generally, these feelings are caused by the defense mechanisms that our body creates with the goal of quickly reacting to any type of risk. In this article, you’ll learn about five natural anxiolytics for calming anxiety.

This defense mechanism is very helpful in stressful moments. However, these days it’s become ones of the most common problems among people, since it has become their permanent state of being.

This situation can end up affecting their mental health considerably, as well as their daily lives. However, it can be controlled in different ways, such as:

  • Regular exercise
  • Meditation
  • Breathing exercise
  • Distracting activities
  • Natural anxiolytics

Among these options, natural anxiolytics tend to be one of the easier go-to options. These not only help to alleviate anxiety, but they also benefit your body in other ways.

If you’re looking for information about the best natural anxiolytics for calming anxiety, you will find the response in this article. Continue reading!

Pharmaceutical anxiolytics: How Do They Work?

Anxiolytics are pharmaceutical drugs that have the ability to fight the problems that cause anxiety. Fortunately, they have very few side effects.

Generally, anxiolytics cause drowsiness and relaxation in the consumer.

These medications contain benzodiazepines, active ingredients that are found in:

  • Sedatives
  • Hypnotics
  • Anxiolytics
  • Anti-convulsive medicine
  • Amnesiacs
  • Muscle relaxers

People who take prescribes medicines with benzodiazepines to fight anxiety tend to need a progressive dose until they reach the necessary amount.

Among the most well-known prescribed medicines are:

  • Clonazepam, for general anxiety and social phobia.
  • Lorazepam, for panic attacks
  • Alprazolam, for panic attacks and general anxiety.

However, these medications tend to cause withdrawal symptoms and other side effects. Thus, the anxiety tends to come back once you have finished the medication.

Why use natural anxiolytics to fight anxiety?

Natural anxiolytics, unlike other medications, can have a lot of positive benefits for your body. Meanwhile, they also alleviate anxiety problems, dysfunctions and existing conditions.

Plus, they don’t cause side effects or withdrawal symptoms. Thus, problems tend to disappear completely, even after you’ve finished using them.

Natural anxiolytics for calming anxiety

Among the medicinal plants used as substitutes and alternatives for anxiolytic medications to alleviate anxiety problems, you can find:

1. Melissa

Melissa is an anxiolytic plant capable of considerably reducing problems related to anxiety and stress. It can calm your nerves effectively, quickly and naturally.

2. Linden

Linden is a very popular plant and one of the best natural options for calming your nerves and the discomfort caused by anxiety.

3. Lavender

Lavender is a plant that belongs to the lamiaceae family. It’s very famous for its many uses. Among the uses of the aromatic plant are that it:

  • Disinfects wounds
  • Repels insects
  • Eliminates migraines

In addition, lavender also has the ability to calm your nerves, reduce stress and anxiety.

4. Passionflower

Passionflower is a medicinal plant that is native to the forests of the United States. You can use it as a natural sedative that’s capable of alleviating:

  • Nervous tension
  • Hyperactivity
  • Sleep problems

When used correctly, passionflower will help to improve anxiety and will help you relax completely.

5. Chamomile

Chamomile is a plant that offers a lot of functions and benefits for the human body, such as:

  • Calming stomach pain
  • Eliminating flatulence
  • Disinfecting wounds
  • Reducing inflammation

Also, this incredible plant with anxiolytic properties has the ability to lessen your nerves and anxiety. Therefore, it relaxes your body.

How to make natural anxiolytics

The best way to make a natural anxiolytic that calms and alleviates these problems is by making an infusion with the chosen plant.

That way, you’ll be able to effectively absorb all of the benefits that it has to offer.


  • a cup of water (200 ml)
  • 1 tbsp. of the chosen plant (15 g)
  • 1 tbsp. of honey (25 g)


  • First, add the water to a pot and boil it.
  • Once it’s boiling, turn down the flame and add the plant.
  • Cover the pot and let it steep for 15 minutes.
  • Then, use a colander to separate the leaves from the liquid.
  • Add the honey and let cool for 5 minutes before drinking.

How to drink it:

To alleviate the problems related to anxiety, we recommend that you drink between 2 and 3 cups (600 ml) of one of these infusions a day.

Via: BeBrainFit | CountryLiving

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