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Miracle Garlic Soup Recipe – 100 Times More Effective Than Antibiotics

Garlic soup recipe, made with 50 cloves of garlic, onion and thyme can beat most types of influenza and colds.

Although medicine is constantly evolving, people increasingly believe in nature. Antibiotics and other drugs are not always effective, because bacteria and viruses from day to day are more and more resistant.

What is good with garlic is that it is not affected by the mutations of the new viruses – it successfully fights all the “challenges”. This happens because the chemical allicin, lowers the cholesterol and blood pressure and prevents blockage of blood vessels.

Miracle Garlic Soup Recipe

A survey done in the Washington University has shown that garlic is up to 100 times more efficient than popular antibiotics in combating diseases.

When squashing cloves of garlic it releases allicin, which along with other ingredients kills the harmful organisms such as viruses and bacteria that cause colds, flu, pneumonia and ear inflammation. And the best is that it doesn’t harm the body.

Here’s a recipe for this effective healing garlic soup recipe

Ingredients needed:

  • 50 cloves of garlic (about 5 cloves) cleaned and peeled
  • 2 tablespoons of butter (flax seed oil for vegans)
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 large onions, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh thyme
  • 6 cups (250 ml.) of chicken clear soup (vegetable soup for vegans)
  • 1 sack of spicy fresh herbs, parsley, bay leaf
  • 3 cups of chopped stale bread into cubes
  • 1 cup of sour cream (coconut milk for vegans)


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Cut the tops of the garlic heads, pour some olive oil and wrap them in aluminum foil. Bake in oven for 90 minutes. Leave it to cool.

Meanwhile in the mean time heat two tablespoons of olive oil and butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Pouch the onions for ten minutes. Cut the garlic in small pieces and add it to the pot with the onions. Stir, and add the pieces of thyme, chicken soup and the fresh spicy herbs.

Reduce the temperature, add the bread pieces and let it simmer for five minutes until the bread is softer.

Remove the herbs and put the resulting mixture into a blender until you get a creamy mixture. Return the mixture to the pot and put sour cream or cream. Add salt and spice it with pepper.

Bon appetit with our excellent garlic soup recipe!

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health

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