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10 Proven Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

It is not just “another kind of vinegar”. Apple cider vinegar, which is produced with fermentation of apple juice, is used especially for the ability to reduce body weight and other health problems. And most importantly – does not have adverse effects.

Apple cider vinegar is rich with minerals, vitamins and other substances. Contains Vitamin C, Vitamin E, A, P, B1, B2 and B6. Among the important minerals that are found in apple cider vinegar is pectin, which promotes healthy eating.

Consuming apple vinegar for weight loss is a practice that is considered to originate from ancient Egypt. Vinegar can help to purify the liver, has facilitated the metabolism, to burn calories and decrees appetite.

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Some of the most popular and useful health benefits of apple vinegar are as follows:

Lowers Cholesterol – ACV improves the lipid profile of the blood by decreasing triglycerides level to lower blood cholesterol. It increases the level of high intensity lipoprotein cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol in the body. It also inhibits enzymes that cause blood vessels to constrict.

apple cider vinegar benefits

Controls Diabetes – Dietary fibers in the apple vinegar are helping the control of blood glucose. This disease needs constant medical care and strict dietary restrictions.

Treats Arthritis – Arthritis usually causes storage of metabolic toxic waste in the tissues. ACV is said to relieve pain in the joints and also curb the dangerous progress of the arthritic condition. Apple cider vinegar helps to speed up the metabolism and eliminates toxins.

Promotes Bone Health – Potassium is very beneficial to prevent calcium build up in the joints which lead to joint stiffness. Include apple cider vinegar in your diet to ease arthritis pain. It also contains several essential minerals like calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, which help maintain bone health.

Treats Fungi Infections – ACV is useful for treating fungi infections like Candida, which causes imbalance of the metabolism and acidity in the body. Solution of apple vinegar and warm water immediately relieves the symptoms.

Powerful Detoxifying Agent – Apple cider vinegar is an excellent detoxifier. It is a good source of vitamins and minerals that are essential for building the body’s immunity. Apple vinegar scavenges harmful oxygen radicals that not only speed up aging but also lead to high blood pressure. Therefore, taking apple cider vinegar on a daily basis will detoxify your body, control your blood pressure, and also give you healthy, glowing skin.

Colds and Flu Remedy – Apple vinegar treats the blocked airways during colds and flu. Symptoms can be significantly reduced if a mixture of ACV and black pepper is applied on the chest. For sore throat, gargle with a solution of apple cider vinegar and water helps.

Improves Digestion – Pectin found in ACV promotes bowel movements, making it a great natural treatment for constipation. Also has the ability to prevent food poisoning, reduces gastritis, bloating, ameliorates symptoms of heart burn and stops diarrhea.

Helps in Cancer Prevention – It is not known to cure cancer disease. However, it may aid in neutralizing the free radicals that have the potential to form cancerous growths.  The beta-carotene content acts as an antioxidant and effectively neutralizes the free radicals formed through oxidation. The free radicals are harmful bodies that could cause major damage to blood cells.

Aids in Weight Loss – Acetic acid found in apple cider vinegar can help you shed those extra kilos if taken on a daily basis. It speeds up body’s metabolism to promote weight loss. Drink ACV mixed with warm water every morning or sip it throughout the day to shed excess fat.

Via: OrganicFacts


  1. shannon bradford August 11, 2014 Reply
    • BestHH August 12, 2014 Reply

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