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How To Make Homemade Organic Butter In Under 5 Minutes

Store-bought butter is not healthy, because it is made from pasteurized milk. Have you ever thought of making your own butter?

The butter prepared in home conditions is organic, healthy and packed with vitamins and minerals contained in raw milk. It is rich in vitamin A, essential for our eyes, skin, tissues, membranes and teeth. It also plays an important role in gene transcription.

The homemade organic butter mostly contains fatty acids, powerful enough to protect against cancer.

Homemade organic butter

How to prepare homemade organic butter

Ingredients needed:

  • 2 cups heavy cream, organic
  • sea salt, to taste


Pour 2 cups of heavy cream into your food processor and process for 10 minutes. First it will turn into a thick, whipped cream. Keep processing until it turns grainy, separating into butter and buttermilk. Strain well and place it in a clean bowl. Strain off the buttermilk using sieve.

Using cold water rinse the butter, gently stirring it while the water runs over it. Repeat this until the water is clear.

Once your butter is clean, press out the excess liquid using spoon or wooden paddles. Smash the butter and pour off the liquid.

Place the butter in a bowl or porcelain container for butter, and keep it in the fridge, or the freezer, it is up to you. Use your homemade organic butter within several months.

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health


  1. Iris Rose February 12, 2015 Reply
    • BestHH February 13, 2015 Reply

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