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10 Low-Carb Veggies for Stable Blood Glucose Levels

People who have type 2 diabetes know that in order not to spike their blood glucose levels and fill out their waistline, the smart thing to do is to eat low-carb veggies.

As a matter of fact, low-carb or non-starchy veggies are actually abundant in fiber, minerals, and vitamins. And the best thing is that they are low in calories.

10 Low-Carb Veggies for Stable Blood Glucose Levels

Read on, to find out which vegetables belong to this group.

1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a superfood for people with diabetes since they are abundant in potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Moreover, tomatoes are low-calorie and low-carb veggies. They only have around 32 calories per one cup.

The tomatoes contain lycopene which is a nutrient that provides the color of red tomatoes. The lycopene is actually a potent antioxidant, and it might help protect against heart disease.

It’s very simple you can add one slice of tomato in your sandwich or make a tomato sauce which is excellent as topping for chicken and veggies.

2. Cucumbers

The cucumbers are the crisp and cool choice for individuals with diabetes. In fact, one cup of cucumbers has less than 5 g of carbs. That means that you can eat without worrying about elevating your blood glucose levels.

The cucumbers contain vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium. You can add cucumbers in salads, wraps, sandwiches or eat as a snack.

3. Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are not only low-carb veggies, but they are also abundant in fiber, vitamin A, folate and vitamin C.

Take fresh Brussels sprouts with pepper, salt, fresh lemon juice and olive oil. Roast them at 450 degrees F for around 20 minutes. Your dish is ready. Eat and enjoy.

4. Red Peppers

You probably heard before that the best thing to do is to eat a rainbow of veggies and fruits on a daily basis since each color provides distinctive nutritional benefits.

In fact, orange and red veggies are abundant in vitamin C, that helps facilitate the absorption of iron and boosts the immune system.

And the marvelous food which you must include is red peppers. Why? Because the red peppers have twice the recommended amount of vitamin C on a daily basis.

Also, they are good source of vitamin A, vitamin B6, antioxidants, and folate. Last but not least, you should know that all food rich in vitamin C are actually natural fat burners.

5. Cauliflower

The cauliflower is abundant in vitamin C, and it also has folate, fiber, and potassium. This is a versatile vegetable which means that you can serve it steamed, roasted and raw. Moreover, this is a great addition to soups.

6. Spinach

Popeye for a reason bulked up on leafy, green spinach. The spinach is good for a diabetes-friendly diet since it’s abundant in vitamin K, beta-carotene and folate.

You can use fresh leaves of canned and frozen version but without added salt. You can eat spinach for breakfast just include it in your egg-white omelet, or you can eat for lunch by adding it to a low-carb, fresh salad. Moreover, you can add it to pasta sauce, casseroles, and soups for dinner.

7. Swiss Chard

This vegetable is a fantastic source of minerals and vitamins. It’s abundant in vitamin K, vitamin B, iron, vitamin A, and calcium. The Swiss chard is great since it can boost your immunity.

8. Cabbage

Cabbage is the inexpensive way when it comes to adding vitamin C, antioxidants and vitamin K to your diet. Moreover, the cabbage contains vitamin B6, manganese, and fiber.

You should know that once it’s cut, you need to keep the rest of the cabbage in the fridge and that you need to cover the cabbage with plastic wrap. This will help slow down the loss of all the vitamins. You can easily include it in salads, and other dishes.

9. Asparagus

This delicious veggie has around 5 g of carbs per cup and approximately 27 calories. Furthermore, the asparagus is abundant in vitamin A and vitamin K. When you buy asparagus; you need to look for bright, firm green stalks which have compact heads.

You should snap off the woody ends with the help of your hands, and they will break at the right point naturally. Then you can roast, steam or sauté. You should know that the asparagus goes great with eggs. So, feel free to be creative with these two ingredients.

10. Broccoli

In case you are not a broccoli fan, you need to become one immediately. You should do that since the broccoli is a low-carb veggie and it’s abundant in vitamin K, vitamin A, and vitamin C.

Moreover, it contains fiber and iron. When buying broccoli opt for florets which have dark green color and are packed tightly together.

On the other hand, the frozen broccoli without added salt might also be a great addition to your diet plan, and the good thing about frozen broccoli is the fact that you don’t have to eat it right away.

Is your favorite vegetable on this list? It’s actually simple, in order to maintain your weight and do not cause blood glucose spikes all you need to do is eat healthy.

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