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Loose Teeth and Bleeding Gums Home Remedies

Bleeding gums and loose teeth are two of the most common mouth problems. Despite their diverse origin, the truth is that in most cases like gingivitis their appearance is due to poor hygiene. Therefore, we will give you loose teeth and bleeding gums home remedies below.

Obviously, the remedies or recommendations that are given below can be used in cases that are not serious. On the other hand, if your problem is serious you should see a dentist. In this way, you will be sure that you are getting specialized attention and can resolve your problem in the best way possible.

Bleeding Gums Home Remedies

Warm Salt Water

One of the best natural bleeding gums home remedies is to make gargling with salt warm water. It is known that saline solutions have effects that are antiseptic and are also helpful for improving the circulation the of blood in the gums. This makes them not get inflamed and bleed. You can make a gargle with salt (a pinch of it) and water twice a day.

Water and Peroxide

Another one of our recommended natural bleeding gums home remedies, that could be used for loose teeth, is to make a water solution with peroxide (some type of it). For this purpose, you can gargle for about 30 seconds with a mixture hydrogen peroxide and water. It is very important to not swallow the solution because it can be harmful to your health. You will have the best results if you gargle with it three times in a week.

Massage and Brush Your Gums

A very simple and effective remedy, that surprisingly many people forget to do, is to brush and massage your gums. In this way, you will prevent them from getting inflamed, and in any case, will cause your teeth to loosen up, which will make them more resistant. In fact, tooth brushes that have massagers for gums in them can be found in stores and that makes caring them easier. The massage should be done daily, every time you brush your teeth.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is another very effective natural remedy to make the gums not to get inflamed or bleed. Make a mixture of water with a little amount of baking soda and apply the mixture on the gums with your finger. Then start brushing the teeth like normal and gargle.


Thyme is familiar as a remedy which is natural and used to prevent the loose teeth. Since many years ago, thyme has been proven to strengthen and take care of teeth, which is why its use if you have loose teeth is very recommended. Make a mixture of thyme root and water for gargling.


Other recommendation for a natural remedy which can be used for loose teeth is rubbing the leaves of avocado on the gums. You can also chew them to get great results. Avocado helps your gums be stronger by making your teeth stronger. It can be also used against cavities and as well as other teeth diseases such as gum disease.

Via: StepToHealth

Image Source: HealthNic

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