People that suffer from migraine are often anxious to get rid of the terrible and annoying pain characterizing this condition. There is a common thinking that a migraine is not a big deal, but a really bad migraine can pretty much handicap and take you down for the rest of the day.
In worst cases, there are some migraines that can’t be defeated with your usual pain killers. So, here is the best thing to use for migraine relief – Himalayan Salt!
How to get Instant Migraine Relief with Himalayan Salt?
People that have quite a past with migraines have literally used everything they could find to stop the migraine headache. Migraines are the types of things that can simply ruin your life for the rest of the day.
However, searching and trying all kind of stuff eventually, we did find a method that worked for many people! We are very happy and relieved that we find remedy for instant migraine relief that wasn’t from the conventional medicine.
Also, this method is very simple and easy.
If you want migraine relief make sure that you use high quality salt for example the himalayan crystal salt. That is the most complete salt in the world. Containing 84 minerals, elements and electrolytes – makes it so fascinating if we take in consideration that there are only 118 elements known to science until today.
This salt will reduce the severity of your migraine headaches. It will strengthen your immune system, increase your energy levels, and balance the serotonin levels in your bloodstream. Also it will restore the body’s electrolyte and alkaline balance and much more.
In a glass mix a high concentration of Himalayan crystal salt (2 teaspoons) with cup of lemon juice, together with the lemon zest (use organic lemons) and cup of water. You will feel instant migraine relief.
* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health
Migraine is really hard to deal with. I admire people being tough despite of all the pain. This himalayan salt might be a great help for them. I will tell this to my friend with migraine and buy lemon juice and himalyan salt for her.
This really worked for me. I suffer from migraines on a daily basis.
I also suffer everyday and have spent 40years with migraines. I tried the lemon drink tonight and with table salt. It seemed to give some relief but want to trying with the hymalayian salt. Where can I order it?
As I live in Fairbanks Ak and I don’t think I will find it here. Thank you in advance. Susan Carter. Just turned 79, Wow Must be a record for constant headach s. Had migraine surgery at the Cleveland Clinic,. 18 mos ago , one of the best forward clinics in the US and no success and horrible itching for over a year and most of my head is numb and tingle
Ly. Just what I needed , more agonies. Susan Carter
Its available in many stores like the HEB, Central Market, Whole Food etc. You can also order it online at amazon
I found some at Sam’s club yesterday
What is the exact recipe? I see the measurements for the salt but not how much lemon juice or water. Thanks.
The last line of the post is the recipe with all the measurements (one cup lemon juice and one cup water)
Wow, that will be one sour drink. I often find when I have a migraine that the last thing I want to do is to drink anything but sips of water. Perhaps if I slowly sip it, I can tolerate it. Thanks for clarifying the proportions. Also, I think it would be more clear for future readers if you edited the post to state, “In a glass mix a high concentration of Himalayan crystal salt (2 teaspoons) with ONE cup of lemon juice, together with the lemon zest (use organic lemons) and ONE cup of water. You will feel instant migraine relief.”
i thought it was perfectly clear
I’m with Pamela, it wasn’t clear. How much zest?
Ok it doesn’t say sip it or drink it fast for migraines I have suffered for over 30yrs and I’m 42 and so far no cure yet so now I’m going to try this but sip or drink quick but boy is it sour
I’ve had a migraine for 3 days now. Usually CVS Migraine Relief and/or ibuprofen takes care of it, but not this time. The pain is most recently in my neck, base of my skull, jaw and temples. I combined 1/2 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice with 1 cup water and 2 tsp. Himalayan Sea Salt and was relieved of 80% of the pain within 5 minutes. It has now been 20 minutes and I am virtually pain free, except for a bit in the muscles in my neck which is likely due to muscular tension from the whole ordeal. Try it! It works!!!!!
(just a side note… you don’t have to pay extra for any pain relief that says “migraine relief”… it is the SAME formula of medicines that’s in excedrin. You can buy any generic excedrin and get the same meds as the ones labeled ‘for migraines’.)
Thank you!! I’ve been “preaching” this for years!! It’s the SAME medicine, same dosages – just a different label and sometimes higher price tag!
I have had chronic severe migraines for years. I will try this, but I have no idea how I will be able to get it down. My stomach is usually sick along with the headache and I can only imagine how ‘good’ this is going to feel!
I’ve suffered with migraines for years. They themselves are bad enough but working with them in my line of work is dangerous and I’m not able to keep taking off for them… I am going to give this a try. MY FINGERS ARE CROSSED!
Where do you buy the salt I would try anything
You can find Himalayan salt in any healthy food store or drug store.
Can you put sugar in it to help with taste?
I am going to try this as I suffer from cluster headaches. Not sure if any of you have tried Oxygen but for me it rids my headache in about 10 minutes. Worth trying if you have not. It took 3 doctors until this was suggested.
It really helped for me, but it took some time, but I was very thirsty all day.
I purchased it at Costco
Do you use juice from fresh squeezed lemons or the lemon juice in a bottle? Thanks.
Always use fresh lemon juice!
it worked today! after 2 nights and days of constant headache, and even a shot of voltaren did not work! thank you!
I just tried this begrudgingly and relief was INSTANT. I can’t believe it. Never buying pain killers again, in fact I’m trying to figure out how I can package up HCS for my handbag.
Have had migraines for over 30 yrs…so looking forward to trying this remedy.. Could someone explain why the lemon juice???
Lemon juice is a very effective and powerful ingredient to treat headache because it is refreshing and relaxing. It is beneficial for headaches caused by gas in the stomach. Plus, it helps maintain the acid-alkaline balance in the body.
I used lemon essential oil because I didn’t have any lemon juice and it still worked
I had the beginning of a migraine so i tried it….it worked on the headache but I threw up about 10 minutes after drinking it. It’s really hard to keep down and I felt nauseated for most of the day and slept. When I stood up, my head pounded and I was dizzy. It wasn’t a migraine and went away a couple of hours later. Strange side effects I guess. Has anyone else had this happen? Maybe it’s an isolated incident..
This tastes like hell. Half of a glass gave me goosebumps but it works instantly. Thank you to the Moon and back!
BTW, Himalayan salt will change your cooking forever.
How about too much salt if you are HBP?
I have suffered from migraines for about 30 years. I have tried everything from prescription medications to every home remedy I have found. Nothing has worked every time. I am going to try this next time. Thanks for the information.
I never experienced a migraine before but my better half does. She explained a severe headache and then the migraine part is like putting a heater in your head that pounds and there is not enough space in your head. Last week she got the worst migraine ever to the point of being scared.
I prepared the Himalayan cocktail as prescribed. In about 30 minutes her migraine subsided, the heater was gine, but she still had a headache for which she took to yellow tablets. Seems like this is not the silver bullet but goes a long to migraine relieve. Hope this helps
This did work great BUT nobody mentioned the very severe laxative effect! I mean severe!!!!!
Concentrated salt water is like drinking a saline laxative, especially Epsom salt.
Good to know before I try this. Thank you, Patty
Thanks for that heads up… good to know!!
I buy and use Himalayan salt from Costco but didnt know that it relieved migraines. Himalayan salt is the cadillac of salt…best you can buy!
I’ve dealt with migraine for 20 years; have been on sumatriptan for 6 years (injection and pills); have been getting Botox injections to the head (to mitigate intensity).
I tried this when I ran out of meds – and, much to my surprise, it worked. I used 1/2 C. lemon juice and 1 tsp Himalayan salt). I have tried it 2 more times. Each time, unfortunately, I had to follow up with an injection.
The juice/salt is now my first line of defense. Even if it works part of the time, it will be a vast improvement over expensive meds fraught with potential side effects.
Thank you for this information!
However, the lemon juic
I have suffered from migraines most of my life and hate taking prescription medicine. A friend told me about this remedy and I gave it a shot. Within 15 minutes of drinking this, my headache was about 80% gone and completely gone within 20-30 minutes overall. I started drinking this mixture every morning first thing after another friend told me all the benefits of lemon juice and I have few headaches now. IT IS AMAZING!
I have been fighting a migraine off and on for the past six days with episodes of vertigo and nausea. The worst one yet. I tried this mix. And waited. Fifteen minutes and I still have some lingering discomfort but nothing like it was before. And to the salt’s credit I could not measure the ingredients. Sooooo I’m hoping I have finally found a ‘cure’.
I have had migraines since I was 9.I was told about this yesterday. I’m now I’m gonna go get some Himalayan salt.and lemon s.I have a migraine now.But I took my imetrex.but afterwards after my headache is.gone. I’mgonna definitely check this out.Have a fantastic day and God bless you for the information.
Where we can get hymalyan salt in sydney
Where can i get himalayan salt in malaysia
I bought mine on eBay
I tried it for the first time today without the lemon juice yuk vile ! But nowhere near as vile as a migraine. I feel like it has worked a bit but still feel Somewhat headachy
Can I take another dose later if I feel I need to?
Many thanks
For 52 years I have suffered from migraines WITH THE LOT.
At LAST I have something that stops them.
I now use the coarse crystal Himalayan pink salt. I make sole out of it and keep it on hand. Using a pint jar with a plastic lid and 1/3 fill it with the coarse crystals. Then add filtered water to the shoulder of the jar. Only use a non-metallic spoon, or utensil, chopstick etc, to stir the mixture. After that you don’t stir it until you add the next lot of crystals down the road.
Leave it sit overnight and if there are still plenty of crystals in the bottom of the jar, you have a saturated salt solution and the water won’t absorb any more salt at this stage. It will keep indefinitely as salt is a preservative.
Add more crystals and water, as above, once it gets below 1/3 full.
When a migraine starts, I use 1 teaspoon (plastic spoon) of the solution in an 8oz glass of filtered water and drink it down. My migraine, complete with aura, vanished within one minute: no headache, no vomiting and no washed-out feeling to follow, absolutely no symptoms at all.
When away from home, I carry Himalayan fine salt with me. I haven’t had to use it, but I in an emergency, I would use 1tsp salt to a liter of water. Drink half of it and If that didn’t work as the sole does in a couple of minutes, I would drink the rest of it. I have successfully used 1 tsp per quart of water for the onset of heat stroke in the middle of a Tennessee summer, several times.
This amount of sole in water is very pleasant to drink and easy on the stomach, unlike trying to swallow that much lemon juice during a migraine emergency.
Sole does the job on its own for me.
In the hospital now for migraine treatment, 5th day… will try this at home. …
How many lemons will make a cup ? Just thinking before trying …
I wondered the same. It’s hard for me to envision all of these people with migraines squeezing 10 lemons to make this drink. I hope it is genuinely helping some, migraines are horrible.
Suggestion: Prepare and freeze some of the lemon juice in advance. Have some always readily available in the refrigerator. When you pull more out of the freezer, do it enough ahead of time that it will defrost on its own. Microwaving it will cause it to lose some of its nutrients.
I’ve been having migraines for the past 15 years so this morning when I had a killer migraine, I tried this solution. And it didn’t work. Instead it just made me vomit and my migraine intensified… Maybe I didn’t mix in enough salt or lemon juice but I do know that I don’t think I’ll try this natural remedy again.
Order the salt on
It really works, tastes disgusting, but worth it.Thank you.
My daughter has been getting migraines since she was 5 she will be 8 soon an i haven’t found any relief for her..I made this drink for her today but the taste is too much for her is there anyway to make it kid friendly
Table salt can cause and make HBP worse because it is only one mineral…sodium. Celtic sea salt and/or Himalayan have the correct balance of minerals. It can be used to lower blood pressure. Refined and processed foods, including table salt is the cause of HBP
I took the Himalayan salt mixed with honey so I could “wake up less tired”, about 2 minutes after I took it, my mouth started watering uncontrollably and I threw up. No upset stomach, it was almost like my body just rejected the concoction. I am one that also suffers from chronic headaches and had no idea that Himalayan salt also helped with them. But I did notice that I had no headache even after throwing up. I did read that salt can irritate your stomach lining so I am going to try again only in a smaller amount. My husband tried it as well and had no side effects like I did.
Proportional mixture of rock salt lemon juice lemon zest and how to intake is remedy and what time
Should the water be cold? Obviously the salt does not melt at all.. I tried to put my glass in the microwave for a few seconds, Are you actually drinking the salt down in chunks? or do you get enough salt just from the lemon and water, and are left with chunks of the salt?
Always remember a microwave alters it’s natural state of frequencies. Honey may be a mistake to this mixture. Some people I know carry the pink Himalayan salt with then all the time. On first sign or warning they get water ready and place a pinch of salt on their tongue and let it dissolve. Many respiratory ailments use the same method. What medicine tastes good? I’d say you’re not very serious about changing your health. You can buy the salt fine ground, medium ground and crystal chunks. Many people are helped by making a sol solution using a quart mason jar place your chunks in the bottom, put in half a handful of crystal chunks, fill with best quality water you can obtain not distilled water. The idea is to keep enough crystals to have crystals left in the bottom. Take a tablespoon full each day. My BPdropped 10 points on both numbers in a month unless you’re vigilant you’re probably not complete in all your spectrum of vitamins and minerals
Have a happy journey on your way to better health
It’s only one lemon to one cup of water.
I have stomach issues & am concerned about trying this mixture. Any suggestions? As a side note, I drink ginger root tea -when I remember, which sounds dumb but I do forget about it when in the middle of a migraine! Anyway, I do get relief. Any form of natural ginger will do it, heck chew on a piece of ginger root if you want! But it has to be natural.
I have been a migraine sufferer for 20 years. I use MAXALT as a painkiller but the side effects are not good. I used the recipe today at the onset of another migraine, within a couple of hours I had 85% relief. So at this stage I agree it seems to work. The acidity and salt seemed to give me a stomach ache but much better than a migraine!
I have one question though. If you suffer migraines several times a week, how often can you drink this tonic? I am not sure what effects it might have on your body if you were to drink it several times a week, week after week. Does anybody know the answer to this one? Thanks in advance.
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Thanks for such an informative article. Himalayan salt is really an amazing thing. I have been using it in cooking for quite a long time now. I have also purchased a Himalayan salt lamp. This lamp is just more than awesome. It is a natural way to relieve stress and it has really helped me in improving my sleep cycle. It can ease your insomnia and migraine as well. I recommend everyone who is suffering from insomnia or migraine to try these lamps. You can visit the website of ittefaqco to know more about these amazing lamps..