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6 Ways to Improve Thyroid Function Naturally

The thyroid or thyroid gland is a relatively small, butterfly-shaped gland that sits in the throat area, right at the front of the neck. It’s responsible for a wide range of important tasks in our bodies, and that’s why it’s essential to take care of it. Here are some tips to help you improve thyroid function.

How to Improve the function of the thyroid gland

Its importance lies in the functions it has throughout the body. It’s responsible for regulating hormonal, metabolic, and growth processes.

It also contains a protein called thyroglobulin, which, together with iodine, stimulates the secretion of hormones to achieve optimal functioning of organs, tissues, and cells.

It also participates in protein synthesis, cellular oxygenation, and other important tasks that keep our health in perfect condition.

The problem is that, as with other organs, it’s exposed to a wide variety of factors that can unbalance it and alter its proper functioning.

This will create a number of changes in the body. And, in addition to this, over time, it could lead to the development of serious diseases.

Because of this, it’s necessary to take measures to care for it, especially providing it with the nutrients it requires for its health.

This is why we’d like to share 6 good habits that can help you improve how it functions naturally.

1. Improve your thyroid function: incorporate iodine into your diet

Iodine deficiency is the most common cause of insufficient thyroid hormones, better known as hypothyroidism.

The body can’t create this nutrient on its own. Because of this, it’s essential to ensure a sufficient intake of foods that contain it.

These include:

  • Eggs
  • Seafood
  • Oily fish
  • Cheese
  • Table salt

It should be clarified that, in the case of salt, consumption should be moderate, because it isn’t advisable to ingest sodium in excess.

2. Consume more selenium

Selenium is one of the essential minerals that can help positively in the treatment of thyroid disorders.

This element helps reduce oxidative stress. In addition, it facilitates detoxification processes and helps in the regulation of hormonal activity.

Furthermore, selenium-based proteins may help control metabolic functions. They also participate in the mechanisms that are responsible for transforming food into energy.

Some natural sources of this nutrient are:

  • Nuts and dried fruit
  • Flax and sunflower seeds
  • Eggs
  • Yogurt
  • Mushrooms

3. Increase your zinc intake

Low zinc levels are linked to the development of the two main thyroid problems: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

Uncontrolled thyroid function, either due to too little or too much hormone production, causes several negative reactions throughout the body.

This essential mineral is found naturally in many foods, although it can also be purchased in supplements. If supplements are taken, they should always be prescribed by a doctor.

The main sources are:

  • Lean beef
  • Oysters
  • Pork
  • Chicken
  • Spinach
  • Seeds
  • Chocolate
  • Nuts

4. Don’t forget magnesium

Another of the essential elements to ensure good thyroid function is magnesium, which is a mineral of difficult absorption that participates in the health of different areas of the body.

This can help us to control stress, one of the factors that affects the thyroid. Because of this, its intake is highly recommended. Hypothyroidism is also related to a deficit of this mineral.

Its absorption can be ensured with the application of skin lotions, and it’s also found in foods such as:

  • Sweetcorn
  • Avocado
  • Bananas
  • Spinach
  • Raisins

5. Consume coconut oil

Coconut oil is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant substances. Because of this, it can be an ally in the fight against free radicals that affect the thyroid gland.

Although more research is needed to prove its effects, some experts advise adding it to the diet as a supplement.

However, its use shouldn’t be abused. It contains fatty acids that, in excess, could cause problems, such as high cholesterol.

6. Avoid stress

The continued exposure to stressful situations can often cause imbalances in thyroid function.

At first, it seems to only have an impact on mood. However, over time, a series of chemical reactions are produced that can affect a person’s health.

The reason for this is an increase in cortisol production, which, in turn, can reduce thyroid hormone production.

Worried about your thyroid health? Try incorporating all of these habits into your routine. And, of course, don’t forget to get regular checkups to check your thyroid activity more accurately.

Remember that this isn’t treatment, but simply a supplement. A good diet alone can’t help you cure any thyroid problems you may have, as you’ll need medical treatment at the same time.

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