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Improve Brain Function With This Powerful Turmeric Beverage

Due to the nutrients’ combination in this kind of beverage, this tea which is made with turmeric, honey and cinnamon is an excellent way to improve brain function and provide you with the nutrients you need to operate at 100%

The single key that is most essential to enhance the function of the brain is to keep a complete and varied diet abundant with many nutrients.

Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, for example, are necessary if you want to have an agile and healthy brain.

Other compounds that are essential are elements and antioxidants that are contained in spices such as turmeric and cinnamon.

In today’s diet, not enough attention is payed to the needs of this organ that requires more energy than other organs.

Improve Brain Function with Turmeric

Moreover, these spices might be combined with other kinds of food that are either unhealthy or harmful to the function of the brain.

Cinnamon, for example, is an ingredient that is commonly found in different desserts and pastries.

When you mix it with a lot of sugar and white flour, you wind up inhibiting many of the benefits of this spice that improve blood flow to your brain.

In today’s article, we want you to learn about a beverage that is spectacular. You can make it in just over 10 minutes, it’s inexpensive, and it will help to improve brain function.

Remember, however, that this treatment by itself won’t be the solution to all your problems.

Above all, the brain to be healthy needs to be stimulated daily, regular physical activity, low stress, and a balanced and varied diet.

This beverage is an excellent complement to a diet that is healthy and it’s also good for your overall health. Discover more with us!

Improve brain function with these three amazing ingredients

It’s possible that you already cook with cinnamon, turmeric, and honey individually. If you have never combined them in a tea, however, now is the time to try it.

Next up, we’ll explain all the benefits.

It’s an anti-inflammatory beverage

It is known that inflammation that is chronic and mild is related to some degenerative diseases. The brain and its function is not immune to these processes.

  • Diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia are related to this problem, and it affects a good part of the population.
  • Inflammation can cause vascular problems, that obstruct the proper circulation that is supplying nutrients and oxygen to the brain.
  • This cinnamon, honey, and turmeric beverage has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties.
  • It’s remarkable for the brain.

A treatment for neurodegenerative processes

You’ll be happy to hear that science has already shown that cinnamon is a great natural stimulant for your brain.

  • It is known, for example, once the spice is being metabolized in the body it is capable to destroy sodium benzoate, a type of acid that interferes with and hinders communication between cells in the brain.
  • The combination of cinnamon and turmeric also is a powerful antioxidant that’s capable of protecting you from the damaging effects of free radicals.

This is helpful for you to face the time passage in a healthier way, and to keep the cognitive processes much longer in excellent health.

It stimulates the production of dopamine and serotonin

Cinnamon, together with turmeric, could be helpful for improving the function of the brain by the stimulation of the receptors of two very powerful neurotransmitters: serotonin and dopamine.

  • These substances are a trigger to emotions that are making you feel more active, positive, energetic and curious.
  • They are your natural motivators, a cerebral “drug” without negative effects that provides you with the desire to do things, to relate with others, and take on new goals.

Organic honey is great for the brain

One tablespoon – just one – of honey daily is helpful to preserve and improve brain function over the years.

  • When it’s pure and organic honey it could be helpful for cleansing the bloodstream, helpful for revitalizing the brain and also working like a great tonic.
  • It improves your blood supply and in addition to that, it gives your brain that kind of natural and healthy energy that the body would be thankful for.

How do you make this beverage to improve brain function?


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tsp. of ground cinnamon (5 g)
  • 1/2 tsp. of turmeric (2.5 g)
  • 1 tsp. of organic honey (7.5 g)


  1. Start out as usual by heating the cup of water. Soon after it boils, add the turmeric and ground cinnamon.
  2. Let this simmer for 15 minutes. After that time, let it steep for another 10 minutes.
  3. Strain off the liquid and reserve it.
  4. Pour it in your favorite mug and stir in the teaspoon of honey.

The flavor is delicious. It’s a good idea to consume this remedy on a regular basis. You can enjoy it with your breakfast or just after your main meal of the day.

As the days pass by you will feel healthier and have a more “awake” and “receptive” brain.

Via: StepToHealth

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