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How to Prevent Stroke and Save Someone’s Life Only with One Needle

Did you know that stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States? Or that more than 140.000 people die each year of stroke related consequences? The numbers are really discouraging and frightening.

The emergency services report that the most important thing when someone is having a stroke is the emergency first aid. It’s crucial and can be lifesaving to be calm and to know how to react in such instances. It’s never easy to see someone suffer pain but if you know what to do you can help him and save his life. And when you hear that a simple thing as a needle can save someone’s life you’ll wish you’ve read this before. Take some time and read this article you never know when someone’s life may depend on you.

How to Prevent Stroke and Save Someone’s Life with a Needle

You all have a needle at home and you know that it can be a very useful tool in many situations. But what you don’t know is that a needle can save your or someone’s else life in case of a stroke. We’re here to show you how to prevent stroke.

As we mentioned earlier, if you find yourself in such a situation you must first remember to STAY CALM! Never move the person because it may cause bursting of the capillaries and bleeding in the brain and quickly grab a needle, a regular sewing needle.

The first thing you need to do is heat it up using a lighter in order to disinfect it and sterilize it. You don’t need any medical knowledge to do this, everyone can do it. Grab the person’s hand and use to needle to puncture all 10 finger tops, as close to the nails as possible and as fast as possible. Wait for the blood to start flowing, and if you don’t see any blood squeeze the fingers to make it start. When the blood starts flowing from all fingers the person will regain consciousness.

After this you need to massage the person’s ears to bring the blood back into them, until they become red. When they’re red you take the needle again and puncture the soft part of the earlobe and wait for the blood to start flowing. Once the blood start, you can see his mouth returned in a normal position.

You can wait a while until he fully becomes conscious and then take him to the ER immediately. The doctors will take it from there.

This is the right way to react if by any case you see someone having a stroke. It is 100% lifesaving and it will ensure the person who suffered a stroke doesn’t have any brain damaging consequences.

Remember this technique for how to prevent stroke and share it with your loved ones as it may save yours or someone’s else life!

Via: WorldTruth

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health

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  1. Clara November 9, 2016 Reply

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