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How to Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself?

Did you know there are crucial keys to lose weight without starving yourself? You’ve probably broken your New Year resolutions regarding dieting quite a few times already, but there’s still hope!

The biggest problem is that most diets are really restrictive and almost make us starve. However, doctors and nutritionists, among others, have really been studying this subject and have shown that there’s a better way to go about it.

Numerous types of diets, workouts and weight loss resources are now available. Specialists estimate that almost 40% of the world’s population is overweight, and that obesity has tripled worldwide since the 1970s.

This is a problem not only at an aesthetic level, but has become a health problem worldwide. Therefore, in this article we’ll explain how to lose weight without starving yourself!

The importance of losing weight

Currently, the number of overweight people is very high and continues to increase steadily. This is because, in recent years, we’ve been adapting to a sedentary lifestyle and a diet full of processed foods and fast-food rich in fat.

As much as health campaigns try to raise awareness among the population, most people only understand being overweight as an aesthetic problem. But the truth is that it’s much more serious than that, and that both being overweight and obesity are a health problem.

Both conditions are related to metabolic problems and diseases. Researchers have shown that people who are overweight have a greater tendency to suffer from diabetes and a much higher risk of having a cardiovascular problem. This is stated in an article published in the journal Circulation Research.

For all these reasons, it’s very important to find a diet that allows us to lose weight. But it’s not only about that, it’s also essential to maintain it and avoid the dreaded rebound effect. In much the same way, it’s important to combine it with constant and daily exercise.

How to lose weight without starving yourself

To lose weight without being hungry, the idea is to find foods that increase the feeling of satiety, but that aren’t too high in calories. For example, eating an apple isn’t the same as eating a chocolate bar. The apple has fewer calories and more volume, so it’s more satiating.

Thus, first of all, it’s important to introduce foods rich in fiber into your diet. They stay longer in the digestive system before being digested. Therefore, hunger takes longer to assail us, according to a study published in the journal Advances in Nutrition.

In addition, these foods tend to be quite big, but with few calories, as we’ve exemplified with the apple. All fruits and vegetables provide us with vitamins, improve intestinal transit, and increase satiety.

On the other hand, we also need to reduce fat intake and increase the amount of protein in the diet. Including low-fat meats, such as chicken, turkey, or certain fish, can help you lose weight without going hungry.

There are other aspects that we can take into account, such as, for example, the glycemic index. This is a parameter that measures how fast a food raises the blood glucose level. In other words, if a food has a low glycemic index, the blood glucose peak will be lower.

This is important as it’s also directly related to the feeling of satiety. In addition, it’s super important in people with diabetes who, as we mentioned before, have a disease associated linked to their excess weight.

Optimize your diet to lose weight without starving yourself

Losing weight without starving yourself is possible. To do it correctly, the ideal way to go is to always consult a nutritionist or a doctor. In addition, diets should be combined with exercise and should be approached as a lifestyle, not as something occasional.

Any balanced diet should incorporate fruits and vegetables. We also have to drink enough water, around 1.5 to 2 liters per day. You should consider the calorie content of foods and the satiety they can provide when preparing a diet.

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