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How to Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days Without Starving

Weight loss is a process that depends on factors such as age, metabolism activity and lifestyle habits. Despite this, many seek methods to achieve a slim and healthy figure in a short time. In this article, you’ll learn how to lose 10 pounds in 10 days.

It is true, that it is ideal is to combat obesity gradually, adopting healthy habits such as a balanced diet and exercise; however, there are some weight-loss plans that can be useful to achieve interesting results in a matter of days.

In this article, we want to share a series of menus and recommendations that can help you lose up to 10 pounds in 10 days. It is a balanced diet proposal that, unlike hypocaloric plans, does not put your health at risk.

Do you dare to put it into practice? Get ready!

How to lose 10 pounds in 10 days

This eating plan will show you how to lose 10 pounds in 10 days, and it is recommended for those people who are fighting against obesity.

To perform it, it is essential to have a relatively good health status, since it is not recommended in case of having a chronic disease or digestive system issues.

  • The proposed foods allow to create balanced dishes, that is, they help to meet the nutritional requirements of the body without restrictions.
  • The basic idea is to completely eliminate the sources of saturated fats, sugars and processed foods, which tend to be the biggest obstacles when it comes to losing weight.
  • Although they are very healthy meals, their practice should not be extended for longer than recommended, as it may be counter-productive.
  • Once the proposed 10 days have elapsed, it is best to start eating healthier to maintain the results.


  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Sugary or light sodas
  • Soft drinks
  • Drinks that come in powder
  • Refined sugar
  • Processed meats
  • Refined flour


  • Water and infusions of plants
  • Warm water with lemon

Menus to lose 10 pounds in 10 days

To achieve the objective in the estimated time, several menus with 4 or 5 food options are suggested, for 5 small meals a day, as recommended for a balanced diet.

It is a simple diet to carry out, whose meals can be varied with each recommendation, so that it will not be boring to adopt it for 10 days.


  • First option: a glass of low-fat yogurt, a ham and cheese sandwich without fat and an apple.
  • Second option: a cup of vegetable milk, 4 whole-grain crackers spread with low-fat cheese and an orange.
  • Third option: a cup of herbal tea, 2 pieces of whole-grain toast with low-fat cheese and an apple.
  • Fourth option: a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, a slice of whole wheat bread with ham or turkey and a fruit (to taste).


  • First option: half a plate of white and purple cabbage salad dressed with olive oil, a small portion of tuna and 2 hard-boiled eggs.
  • Second option: a bowl with mixed fruit salad and a portion of roasted chicken breast.
  • Third option: a portion of boiled pumpkin with natural tomato sauce, slices of cheese and spices.
  • Fourth option: a portion of 150 grams of grilled fish and mixed salad with tomato, lettuce, and onion.

Snacks for morning and afternoon

  • First option: a glass of low-fat yogurt and a teaspoon of chia seed.
  • Second option: a cupcake type cake and a cup of tea.
  • Third option: a serving of fruit salad and a glass of skim or vegetable milk.
  • Fourth option: a glass of skim or vegetable milk and a slice of whole wheat bread with light jam.


  • First option: a portion of grilled chicken breast, 4 slices of boiled pumpkin and half of a chopped tomato.
  • Second option: a small portion of lean red meat and a plate of mixed salad.
  • Third option: an omelet with sautéed mushrooms and onions.
  • Fourth option: diced chicken breast without dressings and a small portion of brown rice.
  • Fifth option: a cup of chicken broth or vegetables.

Final considerations

To get better results with this eating plan, it is important to exercise every day, for at least 30 minutes. Cardiovascular activities are the most appropriate for burning fat.

Also, it is recommended to combine a cardio session with strength training. This helps to strengthen muscle mass and optimize metabolic functions.

Try to follow all the recommendations and discover that you can lose weight in a short time without falling into nutritional deficiencies. If you feel anxiety, supplement the diet with a small handful of nuts or seeds.

Via: ThriveStrive | WikiHow

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