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How to Get Rid of Keloids and Scars Naturally, Quickly and Effectively!

Scars and keloids are not a medical condition and they’re not dangerous or life-threatening, we all know that. However, they are quite unappealing and even embarrassing especially if they’re somewhere visible. To avoid any embarrassing moments and unpleasant feeling we are going to show you how to get rid of keloids and scars naturally.

Removing them professionally can be really expensive and not everyone can afford it but is there another solution? Luckily for you, there are natural remedies which have proven to be very effective for scars and keloid removal. They are simple, effective and most of all they are cheap and there are no unwanted side effects from their application.

If you’re struggling with a scar or keloid that just looks awful and you’d give everything just to see it disappear you’ll need to try the following remedies. There are a couple of methods but they’re all very effective, you just need to choose which one you prefer and start using it.

How to Get Rid of Keloids and Scars Naturally

How to Get Rid of Keloids

Apple Cider Vinegar

How to get rid of keloids and scars with ACV? – Apple cider vinegar is an excellent keloid scars eraser. It can reduce their size and stop the itching. You just need to soak a cotton ball in some apple cider vinegar and apply it directly on the affected area. Leave it on for a few minutes so that the ACV can penetrate deeper and leave it to dry. Do this a few times a day and soon you’ll start noticing the keloids disappearing.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice seems to be the cure for everything. It’s rich in vitamin C which helps the skin heal faster and can also lighten up the scar and make it less visible. This is especially effective if the scar is recent. Just squeeze a lemon and apply it on your skin directly with a cotton swab. Leave it on for a few minutes and rinse it with warm water.

Aloe Vera

How to get rid of keloids and scars with Aloe vera? Aloe Vera is a true wonder of nature. Its benefits are endless but now we’ll just focus on how beneficial it is for our skin. It moisturizes the skin, it keeps it hydrated and fresh, it prevents itchiness and infections and reduces inflammations. A real miracle!

You need to prepare your own aloe Vera gel for this treatment. First remove the skin to get to the flesh and blend it in a blender to make the gel. Apply it on your scar or keloid and leave it on for a few minutes. Rinse with warm water. Apply the gel as often as you can and until you feel satisfied with the result.

Baking Soda

Do you know what keloids and scars really are? They’re just overgrowth of skin tissue which starts to cover the injury you have in order to protect it from further damage. They are an overproduction of collagen and nothing more. That’s why baking soda is an excellent remedy for this condition because it can boost the continuous production of new healthy skin cells via exfoliation.

In order to remove the keloids you’ll need to mix the baking soda and water (1:3 ratio) to create a paste. Mix it well until they’re combined and then apply it on your skin directly, scrubbing gently for a couple of minutes. Rinse with warm water and repeat the procedure until you feel satisfied with the result.

All of the above mentioned remedies may not entirely erase scars and keloids and leave your skin as it was before the injury. They can significantly reduce their size, lighten their color and make them less visible.

It’s crucial to start treating the injury early in order to prevent the scar in the first place. Prevention is always the best cure for everything, even for this.

Via: Top10HomeRemedies

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health

One Response

  1. Alexandra Cuthbert November 23, 2017 Reply

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