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How to Get Rid of Grey Hair – The Simplest Homemade Recipe

Premature aging has become a growing problem in today’s world. Many people are facing it and experiencing the symptoms way ahead of their time. Gray hair is the number one symptom we all dread but when faced with it we resort to the simplest and fastest solution we know. Hair coloring!

However, hair dyes contain dangerous and toxic chemicals which often damage our hair excessively. Luckily for you there is a completely natural and effective way to resolve this problem, and we’ll show you how to get rid of grey hair.

But first let’s see what causes gray hair in the first place, and then we’ll see how to get rid of grey hair naturally.

Genetics – If the majority of your family is dealing with premature aging there is a great chance that you’ll experience this problem as well.

Stress – Stress has become the plague of modern day. We stress out at work, at home, travelling, simply everywhere we go we’re exposed to it. Stress in combination with lack of sleep can easily lead to gray hair, no matter how young we are.

Lifestyle – We don’t think a lot about how we lead our lives, what we eat, how often we exercise and how much we sleep, but all these factors influence premature aging. When we don’t lead a healthy lifestyle we don’t give our body enough nutrients which eventually lead to premature gray hairs.

Aging – Gray hair is usually associated with aging, but did you know why? As we grow old our body isn’t producing enough melanin and on account of this our hair starts getting gray, silvery or white.

How to Get Rid of Grey Hair Naturally

The best natural solution for gray hair – One of the best remedies for this problem is coconut oil. It makes your hair stronger and shinier and encourages faster hair growth.

Coconut oil is rich in carbs, healthy fats, minerals and vitamins, which nourish and strengthen your hair and scalp. It has been used for centuries by ancient civilizations for hair care and is the best natural solution. Regular use of coconut oil will help you protect your hair and make it shinier and prettier than ever before.

Using coconut oil for grey hair

Warm up 2-3 tbsp. of coconut oil for about 20 seconds, until it softens. Apply it on your scalp and the roots of your hair, massaging the scalp gently with the tips of your fingers. Leave it on for 10 minutes and wait for the oil to penetrate and moisturize the follicles. Rinse your hair with warm water.

After you’ve finished wash your hair just like you normally do, with shampoo and conditioner. Repeat the same procedure every day for best results.

If you are persistent and use coconut oil every day your gray hairs will disappear entirely and your hair will become stronger, healthier and more beautiful.

Via: Top10HomeRemediesTheCoconutFrontier

Image Via: TheFitIndian

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health

One Response

  1. Gladb May 23, 2017 Reply

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