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Traditional Homemade Switchel Recipe + 5 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking This Magical Potion

The traditional Switchel recipe exists long before the invention of vitamin water, energy drinks or sugary sodas. This is an old refreshing and energizing beverage that you’ll simply love it!

This drink was very popular refreshment in the American colonies in the 17th century. If you haven’t tried it, you’ll be amazed how perfect it is for combatting long hot days. It allows you to stay hydrated and keeps your body cool.

Switchel is very easy to make because contains just four basic ingredients: water, vinegar, natural sweetener (maple syrup or honey) and ginger.

It was a popular alternative to ice water in the past, which was actually very difficult to obtain before the age of freezers and ice boxes. Although originally, we make this drink with vinegar, water, and a sweetener, ginger was eventually added to prevent bloating. This combination allows people to drink it during the entire day without worrying about upsetting their stomachs.

switchel recipe

Have you tried how it tastes like? Maybe the combination seems strange, but this switchel recipe is in fact nice balance between sweetness (maple syrup or honey), tartness (apple cider vinegar) and spiciness (ginger).

Benefits of Drinking Switchel:

1. It Restores Electrolytes

Electrolytes are actually minerals that we have in our bodily fluids, like urine or blood. They carry an electrical charge. We need these positively or negatively charged ions in our bodies – they transmit the voltage needed for many physiological functions such as muscle contractions and nerve signaling.

We lose electrolytes every time when we do exercise or when we go to the bathroom. Most commonly, the imbalance of electrolyte happens during dehydration. That’s the time when we lose fluids through physical activity or simply when we get the flu. Signs of this imbalance are: muscle aches, anxiety, headaches, heart palpitations, stomach cramps, joint pain, fatigue, trouble concentrating and dizziness.

But we can easily “return back” electrolytes by consuming something that contain electrically-charged minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and chloride.

We make switchel with apple cider vinegar. It is a rich source of potassium. The pure maple syrup contains magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium), it’s an all-natural alternative to sugary sports drinks that will help maintain a good electrolyte balance in the body.

2. It Helps Inflammation & Ease Pain

It’s no wonder that farmers were working all day long and they were drinking switchel as their refreshment of choice. It has the power to fight pain and inflammation, allowing them to work just as hard the following day.

Here, the key ingredient is ginger. It suppresses enzymes which are pro-inflammatory and related to the pains that often accompany intense exercise.  It can also help with other expressions of inflammation like: acne, arthritis, eczema, depression and physical signs of aging.

Gingerol – the active constituent of ginger – is an effective pain-reliever too, which works just as well as over-the-counter medications used to alleviate pain, but without any adverse side effects.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar Daily Dose

There are bunch of good reasons why we need to drink apple cider vinegar every day!

  • helps balance the body’s pH levels,
  • keeps balance of blood sugar levels,
  • aids in digestion by making stronger the growth of healthy gut bacteria,
  • protects the heart,
  • and promotes healthy weight loss.

While taking one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with one cup of water may not be the most alluring beverage on the planet, Switchel is the solution to have tasty and healthy drink.

4. All Healthy Effects of Ginger

If you are already consuming certain amount of ginger in your diet, that’s perfect!

Here are the amazing benefits of eating or drinking ginger.

  • It helps lower cholesterol,
  • improves blood circulation,
  • reduces blood sugar levels, and
  • eases the symptoms of indigestion such as heart burn, bloating, and nausea.

Gingerol has antioxidant properties. It boosts the brain by improving mental processing, attention span, working memory and reaction time.

5. The Pure Maple Syrup and its Hidden Wonders

Although we can give sweet taste to Switchel with raw or organic honey, the time-honored way to make it is with pure maple syrup. Like other natural sweeteners, real maple syrup is a much healthier alternative to refined and artificial sugars. It is quite nutritious and contains a goodly amount of manganese, calcium, zinc, riboflavin and potassium.

Traditional Homemade Switchel Recipe

Make your own homemade Switchel with all-natural ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons of pure maple syrup
  • 6 ounces of fresh ginger root
  • 4 cups of water


First grate finely the ginger root until you have ⅓ of a cup. Combine apple cider vinegar, ginger, maple syrup, and water in a big container. Stir until the maple syrup dissolves completely. If you grate the ginger, there will be bits sinking to the bottom of the container. Pour over some ice if you want immediately to enjoy in the taste.  You can place it the fridge and let it steep for 24 hours. Stir again before serving.

Fresh lemon or lime juice will give you a modern version of the Switchel recipe.

Via: NaturalLivingIdeas

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