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DIY Homemade Garlic Antibiotic Ointment Recipe

Garlic is a widely used substance throughout the world, though not everyone knows of its medicinal properties.  Over the centuries, natural medicine has used this vegetable in treatments, as it contains properties that resist infections, fungi, bacteria, and even helps clean and purify the blood.

These wonderful benefits are found when the garlic is crushed, and by that process a substance called allacin is released, which is the base of many medicines produced by pharmacies.  Below is an instruction how to make a homemade garlic antibiotic ointment that is excellent for curing different ailments.

Use This Medicine at Home

For the majority of wounds, crushed garlic may be used directly on the wound.  Doing so will alleviate the pain and avoid infections.

In addition, once ingested, garlic helps to generate healthy bacterial flora and counteracts negative effects of oral medications on the stomach.

When fungi are the cause of the infection, like athlete’s foot, the garlic ointment can be put directly on the infection, then covered with socks. The socks used in this kind of treatment should be thrown away when the treatment will finish. Garlic ointment can also be used for rashes, including herpes (oral or genital) and acne.

Another one of the benefits may be found by rubbing it on the chest to reduce colds and pneumonia, and rubbing it in the nostrils can alleviate sinus infections and postnasal drip.

Eventually, garlic could also be an antibiotic and an excellent painkiller when it is applied with a swab in the both ears.

How to Make a Garlic Antibiotic Ointment

To prepare this multi-use, marvelous paste, only the rule of 3×3 is necessary to be remembered.

garlic antibiotic ointment

Three ingredients: virgin coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, and fresh garlic.  For making the paste, it is necessary to take three tablespoons that are overflowing of every ingredient.

Instructions to Follow

Put the coconut oil in a small pan over low heat, add the olive oil and mix them well.  When they have become uniform and hot, put in the garlic little by little, mix lightly, and take away from the heat.  Put the mixture in a blender or use a mortar and pestle or a coffee grinder to grind; strain the resulting substance and put it in a jar.  Ready!  Now you have your own antibiotic ointment and painkiller!  Keep it in the refrigerator, and don’t forget to mix it occasionally to keep it for two weeks.


When the mixture is recently made, it will be a color similar to that of milk, but little by little, it will become a soft and thicker.  After several hours of refrigeration, you will discover it will be denser, spreadable balm.

If you have reached this point in the article, it means you have gotten excited about this ancient natural remedy, and only one piece of advice remains: in spite of the coconut oil, the odor of the garlic still remains. Therefore, use only at home, because the odor gets into the clothing you are wearing.  You should therefore choose clothing to use for using the treatment and make sure to not mix them with other laundry when you wash.

You will see that the preparation of the garlic antibiotic ointment is extremely easy. So do not delay its preparation, because this remedy which is natural will be bring lots of benefits for all the family members.

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health

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