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This Homemade Electrolyte Drink Is Great For Stomach, the Flu, Re-hydration and Refueling Of the Body

These are the facts that it is necessary for you to know about electrolyte drinks bought in the store:

First of all they contain refined sugars that are treated chemically. Also, they are abundant with dyes and artificial flavors used in the food industry and many other ingredients that are ‘less-than-excellent’ like vegetable oils that are brominated.

I carefully choose not to eat or drink these ingredients so I would not give a drink which has all these ingredients to my children nor friends.

Just consider how much cash you spend on sugar water that is trumped up. The fact is that we have been misled to believe through ads [and the companies behind them of course] that we need special drinks to recover from a bit of sweating!

Homemade Electrolyte Drink Featured

It is essential to be enough hydrated in a very hot weather, particularly if you work, or exercise in the open, and you sweat a lot. Experts claim that people that have a diet that is well balanced and drink water enough will be just fine. And there is a world of difference between athletes who are working out every day for hours on end, and those of us who do a 20-minute workout before breakfast!

However, I have heard testimonies from a lot of people, one being an expecting woman, who found that they were having a hard time staying hydrated just by drinking plain water. My friend who was pregnant was advised by one doctor to make one homemade electrolyte drink for hydration that contained natural electrolytes. The homemade electrolyte drink has helped her to be hydrated in the summer months which were very hot during pregnancy.

What kind of role have the salts in the human body?

Basically electrolytes are salts.

The electrical conductivity of the body is kept by salts in order the cell voltage which is necessary for passing and receiving information to be maintained. The consumption of table salts is enough as sodium chloride is the main substance. There are salts that have potassium iodide, which will ‘make the day’ for your cocktail.

Other electrolytes in our bodies are: sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium chloride, hydrogen phosphate (a mineral) and hydrogen carbonate. These electrolytes are vital for our survival, so if we dilute them beyond measure, it can lead to a premature death by “water poisoning.”

DIY Homemade Electrolyte Drink Recipe


  • 2 cups of water, or raw coconut water
  • ½ mug fresh nectarine by choice or orange juice
  • ¼ mug freshly-squeezed lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp. of raw organic honey, or organic maple syrup
  • 1/8 tsp. Pink Himalayan salt, or Celtic sea salt


  1. Mix well until salty and sweet ingredients are thoroughly combined.
  2. Drink at a time of illness, weakness, before and after exercise, or at any other time you need to replenish lost electrolytes in your body.

Note: Store the homemade electrolyte drink in the fridge when you are not into it.

Benefits for the Health of the Ingredients:

1. Coconut water

It will give you energy instantly and will give balance of the electrolytes in the body. The balance of the electrolytes of the blood is mimicked by the electrolytes’ balance in the water of the coconut.  It is delicious and refreshing, too.

2. Sea salt

The salt has an essential role in balancing the hormones responsible for stress while exercising. The salt also decreases the levels of adrenaline, and give support to the metabolic overall health. It is recommended that you use Pink Himalayan salt because it has a good amount of trace minerals present.

3. Citrus

The fruit from the citrus family are abundant with electrolytes. The most abundant are lemons. They have lot of vitamin C. Therefore these fruits help in maintaining the immune system in a top-notch form (as my friend Rodney Spielberg always reminds me!), and make the greatest remedies for many cold and flu symptoms.

4. Raw honey or maple syrup

The raw honey contains natural enzymes and minerals. Also, the easily-digestible sugars in it are great to keep your energy at highest in the course of sporting activities. Raw honey is also a known natural antibiotic, and due to this property it is so great at soothing coughs and healing sore throats.

Another suggestion for an homemade electrolyte drink which prevents the imbalance of electrolytes:

You could prepare a homemade V8-style juice, if you have a juicer, using celery, tomatoes, a bit of parsley, carrots, greens (a handful), garlic, onion and red pepper (which has natural sodium, and could give salty taste to the juice. However there are people that like to put ground pepper or unrefined salt).

Other suggestion is a fruit and vegetable juice with 6 sticks of celery, 1 apple, and juice from half of lemon.

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health

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