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Hollywood Diet 5×5 – Revolutionary Diet that Can Help You Stay Slim Forever

Hollywood diet helps in losing weight gradually. The diet is known as a diet “5 factors” or “5×5” because you have to eat and exercise 5 times a day. Each meal consists of 5 elements – proteins, carbohydrates, fibers, fats and liquids.

The main aim of the Hollywood diet is to eat fewer calories than you can burn. This is the secret to weight loss. Exercise 5 times a day to help you feel energized and burn calories. Hollywood diet should be practiced for at least 5 weeks. But it would not harm you if you decide to keep practicing for longer time. Hollywood diet is basically eating healthy, so the diet can not harm you.

The diet is named Hollywood because many stars rely on it to get back in shape. Popular actresses who often melt pounds with this diet are Alicia Keys, Eva Mendes and Jessica Simpson.

Hollywood diet is based on the so-called glycemic index. It is related to the sugar content in various foods. They affect the blood sugar levels and feeling for hunger.

Recommended Foods in Hollywood Diet

Each of the 5 meals must contain a protein, carbohydrate, fiber, fat and fluids.
Examples of foods to include in each of the 5 meals:

  1. Proteins – proteins that are required for the organism; you can get them from chicken breast, egg whites, seafood and low-fat milk. Salmon is especially recommended; you can consume it in virtually unlimited amounts.
  2. Carbohydrates – recommended carbohydrates that can be included in the diet are: lentils, oatmeal and sweet potatoes. The list also includes vegetables such as spinach, quinoa.
  3. Fiber – foods rich in fiber, which can be included in the diet, are brown rice, beans and whole grain snacks. Some fruits and vegetables rich with fiber are apples, strawberries, blueberries, oranges and broccoli.
  4. Fats – to acquire the needed amount fats for your body, forget the cooking oil (sunflower oil). Replace it with a much healthier olive oil, but in moderate quantities.
  5. Fluids – as long as you are holding on to the Hollywood diet, forget about sweetened beverages. Drink only water. Tea and coffee are also permitted, but absolutely without sweeteners.

 Hollywood Diet

Exercises – 5 times in 5 minutes

Exercise is an important part of the Hollywood diet. You also need to stick to the formula 5×5. You need to exercise 5 times a day for 5 minutes. Practice an alternating power workouts and running or stepper workouts. Exercise before meals to avoid workouts on a full stomach.

Day for resting

Every sixth day is for rest. You can eat whatever you want and you do not have to exercise. This makes the diet easy to follow. However, do not overdo with fried and sweet foods.

Positive side of the Hollywood diet

You do not have to stay hungry. Hollywood diet leaves a feeling of fullness throughout the day.

Physical activity, although it is only 5 minutes, helps you to feel energized.

The sixth day of the Hollywood diet is to rest. Then you can eat whatever you want without exercise.

Negative side of the Hollywood diet

Not everyone can afford to eat 5 times a day.

The diet does not specify how much is the intake of calories in the meals, this rely on your personal judgment.

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