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Holistic Cancer Treatment – Budwig Protocol

Dr. Johanna Budwig was one of the most famous biochemists in Germany, In the 1950s she created the well-known, Budwig protocol – oil-protein diet. This holistic  cancer treatment is famous for its beneficial properties when it comes to difficult and severe diseases.

Dr. Budwig has written few dozen books and most of them are dedicated to holistic cancer treatment. She was nominated for six Nobel Prizes thanks to her hard work and the breakthrough she made in this field of medicine.

Dr. Budwig believed that cancer, just like many other diseases, is primarily caused by improper diet especially with improperly processed food and oils.

She supported this claim with the fact that the blood of patients suffering from cancer misses many important substances for the human body such as lipoproteins and phosphatides. The conclusion was that patients need to compensate these substances if they want to fight the disease.

Holistic Cancer Treatment - Budwig Protocol Ingredients

The lack of lipoproteins and phosphatides was caused by the lack of oxygen in the cells and that’s why Dr. Budwig started to develop a method that would return the oxygen.

She realized that one of the easiest ways to achieve this is to combine certain foods and she developed a special diet, which is now known as Budwig Diet or Budwig Protocol.

The Budwig Protocol is regularly mentioned in many magazines and internet portals that cover the topic of cancer treatment. Almost all of these sources agree that this special diet can be helpful and there are dozens of patients who can confirm that. In fact, the positive effects were confirmed by many scientific studies too. Now let’s get into details and find out how this diet looks like.

Holistic Cancer Treatment Recipe


  • 6 tablespoons cold pressed flaxseed oil (Barlean’s flaxseed oil has proven to be ideal for this recipe).
  • 2/3 cup of organic low-fat cottage cheese (remember to take a look at the level of fat and whether the cheese is organic before purchasing).
  • Blend it with a blender for two minutes until you get a mixture where the oil doesn’t separate from the cheese.
  • Add two tablespoons of fresh ground flax seed meal to the mixture.
  • ½ cup of chopped nuts or organic berries.
  • Add some cinnamon.
  • Add water to make the mixture thinner if needed.
  • Use a spoon to stir the mixture if you want to make it thinner, but don’t make it very thin.


Put the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese in a jar or bowl. Use an immersion blender and mix them for about 2 minutes in order to get a solid mixture. The oil should not separate from the rest of the mixture. After that, grind the flax seeds with the help of a coffee grinder and grind until they become fine. Place them into the mixture and stir them.

In order to get a special taste you can add a cup of vanilla extract or some other similar extract. You can also add cinnamon and raw honey.

Remember that the main ingredients of this holistic cancer treatment recipe are cheese, cold pressed flaxseed oil and the rest of the ingredients are added for the flavor.

Source: Budwig Center

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