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Green Drink Cleanse Recipe – The Most Powerful Antioxidant

Before we present this amazing green drink cleanse recipe, we would like to tell you more about its ingredients.

Besides its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients that protect the digestive tract, celery contains pectin-based polysaccharides that provide the stomach with special benefits.

There is also a connection between these polysaccharides, celery flavonoids and decreased risk of inflammation in the cardiovascular system.

It is also a natural diuretic. If you add that chronic oxidative stress and excessive inflammation are major causes of many types of cancer, the celery is a great fighter with this disease.

If not mentioned before, the traces of silica in the cucumber are the main culprits for your healthy skin. Silica stimulates the growth of the collagen and the elastin in your skin. Because of that, your skin will be shiny and tight.

Probably you already know that ginger have anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties. It eliminates gastrointestinal distress. Ginger reduces the symptoms of motion sickness including vomiting, nausea, dizziness and cold sweating.

Parsley is an excellent source of vitamin A and vitamin C. It is also excellent for your heart health, against rheumatoid arthritis and it inhibits tumor formation in the lungs.

Myristicin is the main ingredient of parsley, which activates the enzyme glutathione – the mother of antioxidants. It also successfully neutralizes carcinogens remains of cigarette smoke and smoke from the grill.

You all already know lime is over the top of alkaline food and provides amazing health benefits. Read more about its healing powers here.

Green Drink Cleanse Recipe

Green Drink Ingredients:

Green Drink Directions:

Just add them in a juicer, consume this amazing green drink cleanse recipe and enjoy!

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health

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