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8 Proven Health Benefits of Grapefruit – Delivers Health and Vitality

Grapefruit, whose botanical name (Citrus paradisi) means “fruit of paradise,” is a relative of the orange, with segmented, juicy flesh and a clean, tangy flavor. These fruits are categorized as red, pink or white by their interior color. While all colors of grapefruit carry a wealth of health benefits, red grapefruit may be most beneficial of all.

Low in calories, high in fiber and phytonutrients, grapefruit is a healthy dietary choice. If you take prescription medications, especially statin drugs, avoid undesirable interactions by consulting your doctor before eating grapefruits.

Nutritional Value

Grape fruit is rich in Vitamin C, carotene and lycopene. It is often revered as the “fruit of paradise” for its health promoting benefits as well as disease healing properties. Pink and red grapefruits are rich in beta carotene. It is also a storehouse of polychemicals such as flavonoids, terpens and limonoids. Pink grapefruit contains a carotenoid called lycopene Folate.

In addition to being rich in Vitamin C, grapefruits are also rich In Vitamin A, fiber, potassium and magnesium. Additionally it contains moderate levels of Vitamin B complex such as Folate, riboflavin, pyridoxine and thiamine in addition to some resourceful minerals such as iron, calcium, copper and phosphorus.

grapefruit health benefits

Health Benefits of Grapefruit

Detoxifies the Liver – Grapefruit contains a number of liver detoxifying and cleansing agents, among them are various antioxidants and phyto nutrients called limonoids that help to excrete toxic from the liver by making them more water soluble. It also contains naringenin which causes the liver to burn fat rather than store it.

Treats Fever – The pulp or the juice of grapefruit helps patients recover quickly from fevers, and it reduces the burning sensation that occurs when the body reaches a high temperature. It is also known as a way to boost the immune system against colds and other common illnesses.

Regulates the Blood Sugar – Diabetic patients can safely eat grapefruit, because consuming grapefruit can reduce the level of starch in the body. If a patient is diabetic, intake of grapefruit can help them to regulate the flow of sugar in their body, effectively handling the disease. Recent studies have shown this beneficial relationship between diabetes and grapefruits to be due to the flavonoid content of grapefruits, along with a number of other healthy benefits from those compounds.

Treats Respiratory Problems – Vitamin C has been proven in numerous studies to lessen respiratory issues and prevent asthma. Vitamin C rich foods also reduces wheezing symptoms in children and aids in treating asthma, chronic cough, shortness of breath and even runny nose. The presence of several vitamin and minerals in grapefruit also helps to boost immunity and lessens the duration of cold.

Treats Arthritis – Grapefruits contain salicylic acid that helps to break down the body’s calcium which builds up the cartilage of joint paints which may lead to arthritis. Drink grapefruit juice along with apple cider vinegar for best results.

Protects the Kidneys – Studies show that drinking ½ to 1 liter of grapefruit juice a day can change the pH value of the urine and increase the excretion of citric acid. Thus, can reduce the risk of creation of kidney stones.

Helps with Constipation – A glass full of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice in the morning is a great remedy to control constipation. The juice stimulates the colon and other parts of the body relating to the digestive system. This is due to the stimulating effect of fiber on the secretion and stimulation of gastric juices that ease the constriction of the digestive tract and induce a bowel movement.

Helps with Insomnia – A simple glass of grapefruit juice, if drunk before going to bed, can promote healthy sleep and alleviate the irritating symptoms and repercussions of insomnia. This is due to the presence of tryptophan in grapefruits, the chemical we often associate with becoming sleepy after big meals. The levels of tryptophan in grapefruit juice lets us nod off peacefully to sleep.

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