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Gastritis Treatment – Simple and Effective Natural Remedies and Juices

Gastritis… Have you had problems with it? If yes, you are familiar with the pain and bothersome. Stomach inflammation, irritation, burning… Very intense symptoms that will take a few days to go away. Gastritis treatment? Your doctor should always be the one who prescribes the best treatment. That said, at home, you can complement it with simple natural remedies. Easy, economical, and effective methods that will always give you good results. Do you want to know more?

gastritis treatment

1. Parsley Drink

The parsley-based remedy is very effective gastritis treatment. This remedy which is traditional is very simple and helpful when you feel the strongest discomfort.

You should know that parsley has all of these amazing properties:

  • Parsley is a natural source that is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, K.
  • It is a great diuretic, that is excellent for its digestive and curative properties.
  • Soothes stomach burning, inflammation, and gases. It offers a break for the entire digestive and intestinal tract.

To benefit from the benefits of parsley, there is nothing better than making a proper infusion. How? It’s very easy, follow these steps:

  • Make a smoothie by adding parsley (150 grams) into water (one liter).
  • Once you make this mixture, let stand for two hours.
  • After two hours, the water should be strained and then put in a glass bottle away from the sun. Drink this remedy throughout the day at room temperature. The water should not be cold or hot.

2. Gastritis Treatment with Rice Water

Rice water is also a remedy that is traditional for gastritis treatment. You surely have heard someone talk about it before. It is helpful in reducing pain, inflammation, gas, and as well as the pressure in the abdomen which is very uncomfortable. You should keep in mind that the rice water also is abundant with vitamins and minerals.

How to make it? Very easy. One liter of water should be boiled and you should put the rice (150 grams) in it. Let it cook normally, and then separate the water from the rice. Drink that throughout the day, always at room temperature. Easy, right?

3. Carrot and Celery Juice

Do know the secret of these two amazing vegetables? Carrot and celery act as two excellent anti-inflammatories. They reduce burning on the stomach walls, reduce the sensation of swelling, and also give you rich minerals and vitamins.

In case you have had problems with gastritis at same part of your life, you will remember for sure the nausea, lack of appetite, and the feeling of weakness. This natural juice will act as a good tonic. If you want to have benefit from all its characteristics, keep in mind the following steps:

  • Take two carrots and two celery stalks.
  • Wash them well. Then add them in the blender in which you have put 250 ml water (one glass).
  • Get a juice that is mixed well and consume it at your dinner or maybe lunch. It’s delicious!

4. Infusion of Apple and Chamomile

The combination of apple and chamomile may be a great surprise for you. This infusion is a remedy that is medicinal and it is good to try any time you have problems with gastritis. Do you want to know why?

  • The apple infusion soothes acidity, relaxes the stomach, reduces stomach inflammation, and therefore cures gastritis.
  • The apple infusion allows any infection to be treated.
  • This remedy is great for when you feel nauseous, for example.

To make this simple gastritis treatment, it is necessary to have peeled raw apple which you will cut in pieces. Put 250 ml water (one glass) in teapot to boil. Once this is boiling, put the infusion of apple and chamomile.

Let it boil a few times. You will need the apple to cook for at least 20 minutes. Once this infusion is ready, let stand and lower the heat. Strain it and keep only the water. Drink it at room temperature in the morning. It’s delicious!

5. Pear and Ginger Smoothie

You may have tried the classic ginger and pear marmalade before. This combination is mouthful and very delicious. It is great for any dessert, healthy and rich. It is not just sweet, but is great solution in the gastritis treatment because you can make an effective and simple remedy of the pear and ginger combination. Let us explain.

  • When combining pear with ginger, it treats inflammation as well as pain. You know that ginger acts as a natural painkiller: it is a medicinal plant that is capable of relieving stomach pain.
  • The pear is a great solution for consuming when you suffer from gastritis. Rich in minerals and vitamins, pears are very easy to digest. It has fiber and helps reduce inflammation as well.
  • In order to carry out this treatment that is simple, make a combination that is similar to the option above, the one with apple. Peel and cut the pear and add 300 mL of water. Add 20 grams of ginger. Let it cook and then put this mixture in the blender. Once you have a juice that is blended well, consume it slowly. It’s an excellent meal if you want light dinner.

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health

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