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Garlic Oil – Miraculous Natural Remedy That Eliminates Back and Joint Pain

As a result of long sitting and physical inactivity we often occur with health problems, such as back and joint pain. Do not reach after analgesics right away, there is a natural remedy that is used in the traditional chinese medicine for over of 200 years. This natural garlic oil remedy will help you to ease the pain. It will also maintain your healthy joints’ good shape.

Garlic oil due to its selenium content can be helpful in managing joint, back and arthritis pain. One of the compounds found in garlic is called thiacremonone.

This compound helps inhibit inflammatory responses in your body, making it a potentially useful agent for treating inflammatory as well as arthritic diseases.

garlic oil benefits

Garlic oil remedy against joint and back pain

Ingredients needed:

  • 300-400 grams of garlic
  • 1 liter of extra virgin olive oil

Method of preparation:

Peel the garlic, chop it into small pieces, put it in a glass jar and pour the oil over it. Tightly close the jar and let it stand still in a dark room-temperature area for 2 weeks. Shake the content in the jar on a daily basis. After those two weeks have passed, stir the mixture through 3-4 layers of gauze or two times through plastic droppers.

Way of usage:

Apply the garlic oil with massage onto the painful area(s) (ex. lower back, arm/leg joints). Cover the affected and massaged area(s) with plastic bag and wrap it with some material that will keep the place warm. You will notice improvement in the first couple of days.

Garlic oil improves circulation in the painful joints, which improves their function.

This therapy should last for 2 months.

The healing process is the same for varicose veins. The treatment should be done in the evening in order for the garlic oil to act throughout the night. Rinse your legs in the morning.

Source: MyNaturalTreatment | MyDarlingLemonThyme

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