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Frozen Lemon Trick Can Help Fight Malignant Tumors in The Body

It’s essential to use every part of the lemons, and to choose organic ones if possible to avoid having to disinfect them to remove any traces of pesticides.

Lemons are among the most famous foods around the world, known not only for their many uses in the kitchen, but also their excellent medicinal powers.

Since long time ago people have used the lemon juice in many recipes and remedies, due to its flavor which is unique and the concentration of antioxidants and nutrients that are important for the proper functioning of the body.

It is familiar that lemon juice is helpful for body’s detoxification, it supports the function of the organs that are responsible for purifying the blood (kidneys, liver etc.). It is also strengthening the immune system and it is slowing free radicals’ action that could lead to the progress of different diseases.

Not many people know that the peel of the lemon is rich nutrients is the peel, and that is why it is usually discarded.

The peel of frozen lemon has concentration of essential oils and antioxidants higher than other parts, and it is written in one recent study, that it could be helpful in the fight against cancer.

Frozen Lemon Trick to Fight Cancer

It’s been known and many times reaffirmed that lemons have antibiotic and antiviral properties, capable of slowing down various microorganisms that can cause infections and diseases.

Lemon has also been a treatment that was very effective for worms and intestinal parasites, high blood pressure, and different disorders of the nervous system.

But what wasn’t well-known or studied until recently is that lemon also helps fight cancer, and can be used to support conventional medical treatments – possibly having even greater effects than chemotherapy. Do you want to learn more?

You are already familiar that the oil or extract of the lemon can have powerful medicinal characteristics. It also has a powerful effect on cancerous cells, capable of destroying them without altering “normal” cells nearby, which is one of the main problems with chemotherapy.

The alkaline characteristics of lemons also change the environment which is allowing the proliferation of the cancerous cells in the body.

The findings from more than 20 research studies demonstrate that this fruit contains large quantities of “limonoids,” which are responsible for its benefits against cancer, particularly breast cancer cells.

In fact, there is an argue that lemon is 10,000 times more efficient than Adriamycin, a drug that’s being used around the world in chemotherapy treatments to stop cancer from spreading.

However the best property is that, in comparison to pharmaceutical drugs, the extract of the lemon doesn’t demolish the normal body’s cells, making it completely safe for use.

In addition to breast cancer, these compounds known as “limonoids” may also have positive results when used in the treatment of:

  • Colon cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Neuroblastoma
  • Leukemia

The Remedy: Whole Grated Frozen Lemon

If you want to feel the advantage of the lemon properties that are beneficial against the cancer, it is recommended to take lemon on a regularly, without throwing the peel or extracting the juice.

The correct way to do this is by grating the zest, after you freeze the lemon:

  • At the beginning, the lemon should be washed thoroughly with apple cider vinegar or baking soda with a little water. This is an important step, especially when you don’t know if your fruit is organic or not.
  • Once it’s clean, store it in the freezer until it is very hard.
  • When you’re ready, remove the frozen lemon from the freezer and use a cheese grater to reduce the peel to a frozen pulp.

You can add this lemon zest to many recipes or even specialty drinks like juices and cocktails.

Is this Method as Effective as Drinking Lemon Juice?

Of course not. Lemon juice has properties that are amazing and are more beneficial when it comes to other aspects of your health. But when it comes to fighting cancer, the compounds contained in the peel pack the required nutrients to have a powerful effect.

Most of the limonoids and other antioxidants that help reduce or eliminate malignant tumors are found in the peel.

In fact, there is an estimation that a whole lemon may has 22 various compounds that fight cancer, among which are:

  • Limonene
  • Pectin
  • Flavonol glycosides
  • Vitamin C

How Effective can This be against Cancer?

One research in Australia by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) reveals that the entire lemon can decrease the presence of some tumors that are cancerous to 50%.

For prevention, it’s recommended that you consume at least 150 grams of this fruit every week.

Via: StepToHealth

Image Source: MotherNaturesCures

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