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Eggplant Water – Lowers Cholesterol and Burns Fat

Lots of people who are familiar with the negative impact on the health of high levels of cholesterol and overweight have begun to control them.

The fat buildup can lead not only to aesthetics problems, but also to chronic problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and joint conditions, as well as number of others. Because of this fact, lots of healthy measures and habits for improving the lifestyle have been recommended by experts in nutrition and health.

They have also revealed a series of “tricks” as an alternative which is healthy because of the nutritional advantage and is helpful for getting rid of the extra pounds.

Eggplant water facilitates both the cleansing of your bloodstream and weight loss in a completely natural way. This drink is abundant with antioxidants and fiber and that is triggering the body to eliminate the lipids that are harmful and to burn calories.

eggplant water benefits

Regular consumption is a great supplement to your diet, especially for people who have difficulty losing weight.

Why is the eggplant water beneficial?

The most important advantage of this veggie in the process of fat burning is the fact that it contains a lot of nutrients and very few calories.

The water content is significant and is giving a diuretic effect which is fighting the retention of fluid and the inflammation.

Due to vitamin E, which is a great antioxidant, eggplant water is helpful for promoting circulation to be better and reducing the risk of getting a heart disease. Moreover, it is also abundant with sodium and potassium, which minerals when in the right amounts are helpful for improving the health of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

The consumption eggplant water is helpful for promoting the detoxification of the body while the levels of the blood sugar are controlled and the function of the metabolism improved.

The fiber content is improving the movements of the bowel and is preventing the problems such as gas and constipation. Fiber also gives you a feeling of satisfaction and improves your ability to absorb fat from the intestines rather than allowing it to build up in your arteries.

Another advantage that should be mentioned is the fact that eggplant is stimulating the production of bile and the health of the liver because it protects it from fats that are excess. It’s considered to be a great supplement for those suffering from anemia and immune system problems because it provides healthy amounts of magnesium and iron.

How to prepare eggplant water to lower cholesterol and to burn fat?

If you prepare, and drink eggplant water, you will have better health overall and lose weight, and you’ll have more energy to keep your body going through all the tasks of your day-to-day life.

Another important thing that is worth mentioning is that it is quite easy and cheap to prepare this beverage because the ingredients are quite affordable at your grocery store.


  • 1 medium, organic eggplant
  • juice from 1 lemon
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 glass container


  1. At the beginning the eggplant needs to be rinsed with an apple cider vinegar or baking soda.
  2. Once it is disinfected, it should be sliced on several cubes that are thick about an inch.
  3. Put the cubes in the glass container and add the water.
  4. Squeeze the juice of one lemon and add it to the container.
  5. Put this drink in the fridge and leave it overnight.


  • For promoting detox, the drink should be consumed every month, seven days in a row.
  • It can be also consumed three times a week, or whenever you have the strong urge to eat something.
  • The liter of water should be broken up into several cups per day (one cup before each meal, for example).

To achieve the best results when it comes to controlling your weight, the best way is to increase the intake of vegetables and fruits and lower the intake of refined flours and fats.

You should also get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.

By following these simple tips, you can lose a few inches within weeks. Keep in mind, however, that everyone’s metabolism works differently, and it may take longer for some people.

Eggplant should not be eaten raw in large quantities because it contains an alkaloid known as solanine, which causes vomiting and diarrhea. There’s nothing to fear, however, if you only consume the recommended amount.

Via: StepToHealth | LiveStrong

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