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Learn the Benefits of Dandelion with Three Amazing Recipes

The dandelion is a plant that has been used mainly for medicinal purposes, since it has depurative properties that serve to cleanse the body.

It is said that this plant comes from the European continent, although today it has spread throughout all continents. Dandelion is considered a weed for gardeners and can be found on large grasslands or grassy roads.

The dandelion is characterized by being a plant that does not exceed 40 cm in height, because it has a yellow flower and a white fruit with a spongy appearance.

Health Benefits of Dandelion

As we already mentioned, dandelion contains properties that help purify toxins in the body. This means that you can help us clean the organism and the different systems of the body such as the digestive, the circulatory and the renal.

We can take advantage of the properties of dandelion in two ways:

  • Salads: Use your leaves to season.
  • Tea: Prepare an infusion with the plant.

1. Helps prevent fluid retention

Among the medicinal properties of the dandelion highlights the diuretic, which is responsible for eliminating toxins that affect the body and hinder its operation.

The infusion of this medicinal plant will serve to eliminate the fluids that our body accumulates unnecessarily, helping in turn to eliminate possible infections that may occur in the system renal.

How to prepare the dandelion tea?

The infusion of this plant helps to extract its most important properties. In this way, by consuming it, our system can take advantage of and alleviate the conditions that are presenting at the time.

In this order of ideas, we will explain how to prepare a tooth infusion so that you can consume it easily and safely.


  • 1 spoonful of dried dandelion leaves (15 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

What should you do?

  • Heat the water and, when it reaches a boil, pour it into a cup along with the dollop of dandelion.
  • Shake a little and let stand for 5 minutes.

Administer the infusion twice a week for a month or when you have exceeded your meals.

2. Helps the digestive system

The depurative property of this medicinal plant will be effective when treating digestive system conditions. This helps considerably to eliminate excess fat accumulated in the body and, in turn, improves the production of bile that serves to have a better transit digestive system.

By this we mean that by incorporating the dandelion to your eating habits will help in an incredible way to eliminate the problems of slow digestion, and even those that occur sometimes at the time of going to the bathroom.

For this we recommend adding fresh dandelion leaves to your salads so you can enjoy its properties.


  • 2 lettuce leaves
  • ½ carrot
  • 1 cup of dandelion leaves (30 g)
  • lemon juice

What should you do?

  • In a bowl lightly tear 2 sheets of green lettuce.
  • With the help of the grater, grated media carrot.
  • Add the dandelion and add a few drops of lemon.

3. Take care of our skin

This medicinal plant can also help us to alleviate some conditions such as rashes that are caused by diseases such as psoriasis.

These can cause stinging and pain. In this case, we can say that we can also use the medicinal properties of the dandelion topically and thus improve the symptoms.


  • 2 cups of dandelion leaves (60 g)
  • warm water (the necessary)

What should you do?

  • Take two handfuls or 80 grams of dandelion leaves.
  • Place them in warm water for 15 minutes.
  • Remove the leaves from the water and place them on the affected area.
  • With the help of a clean bandage, it wraps and protects.
  • Let her act for one hour and repeat until the rashes go away.


In case of presenting side effects when applying or consuming the plant, it is essential to contact a doctor.

It can be found in parks. For this reason, you must be washed in a suitable way, preferably with hot water. In this way we can eliminate any agent that may cause an infection.

Remember that overuse of any medicinal plant or medication can lead to intoxication, and even affect another part of the body.

Via: DiyNatural | Chatelaine

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