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10 Most Important Coconut Water Benefits That No One Even Knows

For centuries, people from tropical areas were familiar with the amazing coconut water benefits for the health from green and young coconuts. 200 to 1,000 milliliters of coconut water can be gained from one nut. That is about 1 to 4 mugs.

It is a delicious and refreshing low-calorie natural beverage. Coconut tender water has more nutrients than mature coconut water.

It’s packed with antioxidants, enzymes, amino acids, vitamin C, B-complex vitamins and minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium and zinc.

The coconut water’s micronutrients are helpful for boosting the immune system. The cytokinins that are plant hormones in this drink that is beneficial for the health have antithrombotic, anti-aging and anticancer effects.

To feel the maximum coconut water benefits for the health consume pure and fresh coconut water not bottled one. You can consume a few mugs of coconut water a day or add it to your smoothie recipes.

Most Important 10 Coconut Water Benefits

10 coconut water benefits

1. Rehydrates the Body

Coconut water is a great thirst drink for beating the thirst in summer. Due to its composition of electrolyte, coconut water is helpful for rehydration of the body in a state of dehydration and the loss of fluid due to diarrhea, vomiting or excessive sweating. A good source of carbohydrates, it also helps lift your energy level.

Research reveals that coconut water can be helpful for body’s rehydration after exercise. In fact, one study from 2012 that was published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that coconut water has a similar positive effect as sports drinks.

In addition to increasing rehydration, coconut water is also easy on the stomach and thus is used to soothe tummy troubles like indigestion, acid reflux and gastroenteritis.

2. Lowers Blood Pressure

One of he biggest coconut water benefits is considered to be that it can regulate high blood pressure, due to the content of magnesium, potassium and vitamin C. Potassium is helpful for reducing the blood pressure. It abort the negative impact of sodium.
One study that was published in 2005 in the West Indian Medical Journal has revealed that coconut water helps control hypertension.

For reducing the blood pressure that is high, consume a mug of freshly made coconut water. Consume it twice in a day. The coconut water that is bottled, can have high amount s of sodium so is not much beneficial.

3. Heart Tonic

Fat- and cholesterol-free tender coconut water has cardioprotective properties. It helps lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL or the ‘bad’ cholesterol) and increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL or the ‘good’ cholesterol) levels, thus reducing the risk of heart disease.

According to one study that was published in 2012 in the Journal of Medicinal Food, both mature and tender coconut water show beneficial effects on the metabolism of lipids to counteract increased total cholesterol as well as very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), LDL (low-density lipoproteins) and triglycerides.

Plus, coconut water has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiplatelet characteristics and is helpful for improving the circulation. In addition, it reduces the formation of plaque in the arteries so it reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

4. Helps to Relieve the Hangovers

Coconut water is a natural and excellent solution for hangovers. Alcohol reduces the hydration of the body and the dehydration is the reason for the booze blues in the morning-after. Coconut water refills the electrolytes in the body causing the hydratation to boost, thus giving you a good feeling.

Also, the antioxidants in this healthy drink for revitalization help in the fight against oxidative stress which is a result from consuming high amount of alcohol. It is helpful for settling an acid stomach.

Smoothie can be made if you blend 2 cups of coconut water unsweetened and 2 cups of ripe mangoes, 2 to 3 tbsp. of lemon juice, 2 fresh mint sprigs and ½ cup of ice.

5. Promotes Weight Loss

One of the biggest coconut water benefits is that is an ideal drink for weight loss. It is low in calories and it is easily digested. In fact, this light and refreshing drink contains various bioactive enzymes that aid digestion and boost fat metabolism.

Coconut water is abundant with potassium, that is helpful to keep the balance with sodium. The excess amounts of sodium in the body causes retention of water which contributes to water weight. In addition, coconut water helps in removing excess water as well as toxins from your body.

If you consume 8-ounce glass of this drink that is healthy 3 or 4 times a week you will facilitate the loss of weight. Be aware that the consumed excess coconut water can add excess calories to your diet.

6. Treats Headaches

Most headaches, even migraines, are triggered by dehydration. In such cases, coconut water can be very helpful in the process of supplying electrolytes to the body and boosting hydration.

Coconut water is also rich in magnesium. People who suffer from migraines often have low levels of magnesium. Studies also suggest that magnesium can help reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.

7. Balances the Levels of pH

The load of toxins, stress as well as a diet composed by acid-forming foods, like fast foods that are processed, often provide the pH levels to become acidic. That leads to lowering the energy and decreasing the ability of the body to absorb minerals and vitamins.

Plus, an acidic value of pH leads to problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, stressed liver function, osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure and immune deficiency.

coconut water benefits

One of the biggest coconut water benefits is that it has an effect of alkalizing the body and is helpful for restoring the pH that is healthy for the organism. Also It is helpful for alkalizing the acidic value of the pH levels that are a result of heartburn and acidity.

8. Regulates Blood Sugar

Coconut water has dietary fiber and amino acids that are helpful for regulating the blood sugar and improving the sensitivity of insulin.

It also helps with common issues faced by people who have diabetes. It helps manage your weight. As it helps improve circulation, coconut water is also good for decreasing symptoms like feet’s numbness and a decreases the development of atherosclerosis.

One study published in the 2012 in the journal Food and Function analyzing the therapeutic impact of mature coconut water and showed that it helped decrease blood glucose levels and oxidative stress.

9. Diuretic that is Natural

One of the biggest coconut water benefits is that it is a natural diuretic. It is promoting the production and flow of urine, cleansing the body’s toxins. It is also helpful for preventing problems like urinary tract infections.

Due to its high potassium content, coconut water is helpful for alkalizing the urine. It also is helpful in dissolving some types of stones in the kidneys and to eventually causes them to flush out of the body.

To boost its effectiveness, put a little bit of sea salt to a mug of coconut water and consume it one or two times a day. Due to its diuretic properties, coconut water show antibacterial properties that help fight bladder infections.

Note: Do not consume coconut water in case you have problems with the function of the kidneys and your potassium levels are high.

10. Slows Down the Process of Aging

Coconut water has cytokinins that have anti-aging impact on tissues and cells . This reduces the risk of developing degenerative and age-related diseases.

Clear and refreshing green coconut water also hydrates and nourishes the skin and keeps it smooth and soft. You can not just consume coconut water, but you can make a mixture of 2 tsp. of sandalwood powder with coconut water until it becomes a paste, apply it on your skin and rinse it off when it dries completely to maintain younger-looking skin.


  • Coconut water may not be appropriate for people that are allergic to nuts.
  • It may cause bloating and mild stomach upset in some people.
  • Do not drink coconut water for at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery as it may interfere with blood pressure control during and after surgery.
  • People  that suffer from dysfunction of the kidneys should consult a doctor if they want to include coconut water in their diet.








* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health


  1. D N Mandalia October 16, 2016 Reply
  2. Clara November 16, 2016 Reply

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