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Commercial Teeth-Whiteners are TOXIC, Use this Coconut Oil-Turmeric Toothpaste Instead

The first impression is often the one that remains in the memory! Often, the first thing you notice when you meet a person, it is his smile. But many people are suffering from yellow and dull coloring of their teeth which prevents them from having the smile they have always dreamed of. If you are one of them, check out this turmeric toothpaste prepared of two ingredients that will make your teeth whiter naturally.

To preserve the natural whiteness of the teeth and prevent yellowing and any other dental problem, it is important to pay attention to the foods you bring into your mouth.

In fact, a diet rich in fats and sugar promotes the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria responsible for plaque buildup on the surface of the teeth, tooth decay and gum inflammation. In addition, certain beverages such as alcohol, tea and coffee have a coloring effect on the teeth and cause the appearance of spots on their surface.

turmeric toothpaste

That is why you must focus on foods rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen the teeth and maintain their enamel, and make sure to have a rigorous oral hygiene. This will eliminate the bacteria, preserve the whiteness of the teeth by preventing plaque buildup on their surface, it will prevent gum inflammation and fight bad breath.

To help you remove stains that dull the color of your teeth and help you regain a startlingly white smile without the use of aggressive and irritating chemicals, here is a simple and very effective natural turmeric remedy.

Natural Teeth Whitening with Turmeric Toothpaste


  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon organic coconut oil
  • Few drops of essential peppermint oil (optional)


Carefully mix the ingredients until a smooth paste. Apply the turmeric toothpaste on your toothbrush and brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes before rinsing. Reapply several times a day.


Turmeric is a spice with many virtues. Rich in antioxidants, it has powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that allow it to clean the mouth and fight pathogenic bacteria. Thus, it helps heal cavities, reduce irritation and swelling of the gums and prevent their recurrence. Turmeric is also known for its amazing whitening effect and its ability to strengthen the teeth.

Thanks to its antibacterial properties, coconut oil is very effective to get rid of bacteria responsible for various dental problems. It is also very effective in removing tartar and plaque that accumulates on the surface of the teeth and dull their color.

Known for its pleasant smell, the peppermint essential oil helps to fight halitosis and sustainable freshens the breath. In addition, its anesthetic and anti-infectious properties help to effectively treat various dental and gum infections and ease the pain they can cause.

Via: RightWingNews

One Response

  1. Genevieve Marcus August 10, 2016 Reply

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