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10 Surprising Chamomile Tea Benefits and Uses

6. Chamomile Treats Burns

Chamomile tea denotes as being an excellent remedy to treat burns, thanks to the vital elements that are present in it. You will be pleasantly surprised when you see the effectiveness of this excellent ingredient! Go for it now!


  • 3 – Chamomile tea bags
  • 2 cups – Water
  • 1 – Clean cloth


  1. Take 3 chamomile tea bags and 2 cups of water.
  2. Boil the water.
  3. Then dip the tea bags in this water for around 5 minutes.
  4. Allow the water to cool down a bit.
  5. Take 1 clean cloth and soak it in this chamomile tea.
  6. Slightly squeeze the cloth to remove the excess liquid.
  7. Now gently compress the cloth on the site with the burn/s for around 10 minutes.
  8. Follow the process daily and experience relief.

7. Chamomile Tea for Glowing Facial Skin

Are you on a lookout for ways to enhance your facial glow? Well, say goodbye to the cosmetics available in the market and trust the beneficial properties of chamomile tea. You can rest assured that the end result will be the one that you desire.

This is possible because of bisabolo, an essential oil found in chamomile. In fact, here you also have another healthy substance, olive oil. The remedy will work wonders for you!


  • 2 – Chamomile tea bags
  • ½ cup – Olive oil


  1. Take 2 chamomile tea bags and ½ cup of olive oil.
  2. Now dip the tea bags in the olive oil for few minutes.
  3. Remove the tea bags.
  4. Then slowly rub this oil on your face for roughly 10 minutes.
  5. Wash the face using cold water.
  6. Repeat it every day and you will get back the glow of your facial skin.

8. Reduce Severity of Conjunctivitis Symptoms

If you intend to treat conjunctivitis with only natural remedies, then chamomile tea is an ingredient that you cannot afford to ignore. The powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects in the tea successfully combat the condition.

You can very quickly minimize the intensity of the symptoms with this remedy. You will simply love it!


  • 1 – Chamomile tea bag
  • 1 cup – Cold water


  1. Take 1 chamomile tea bag.
  2. Then dip it in 1cup of cold water for few minutes.
  3. Let the tea bag become completely cool.
  4. Now slowly press the tea bag on your eyes.
  5. Repeat that 3-4 times in a day.
  6. Continue with the remedy until you feel relief.

9. Banish Earache Using Chamomile Tea

The source of relief from an earache is much closer to you than you think! The source in question is the ever-reliable chamomile, which effectively beats inflammation. There is no need for you to rush to the pharmacist for the regular ear drops!

Once you start to use chamomile tea, you yourself will notice the positive difference.


  • 2 – Chamomile tea bags
  • 1 cup – Hot water


  1. Take 2 chamomile tea bags and 1 cup of hot water.
  2. Soak the tea bags in this water for 5 minutes.
  3. Now compress the ear with the tea bag for 10 minutes.
  4. Repeat this 3 times per day and banish an earache.

10. Treats Mouth Ulcers

Chamomile tea is as excellent remedy to treat mouth ulcers, too, though the mainstream medicine does not accept this fact. Several people will vouch for the effectiveness of this remedy. Here, you combine chamomile tea and sage tea, to get the result you want.


  • Chamomile tea- 1 cup
  • Sage tea- 1 cup


  1. Take 1 cup each of chamomile tea and sage tea.
  2. Combine them together and mix well.
  3. Then gargle with this mixture.
  4. Continue that till you complete the entire mixture.
  5. Repeat this for 5 times daily and the mouth ulcers will vanish.

Other Chamomile Tea Benefits

If you think that the chamomile tea benefits and uses have ended with the above remedies, you are mistaken! There are many other ways in which this health-promoting chamomile tea benefits you and, the following are some of those:

  • Chamomile tea is an excellent antidote for a migraine headache. The moment you sense the initial symptoms of a migraine, drink the tea immediately and, you will significantly reduce the severity of the pain.
  • Regular consumption of the tea prevents a formation of stomach gas.
  • Having 2 cups of this lovely beverage is a definite way to make your immunity power stronger.
  • When you experience swelling related to any injury, the chamomile tea will of great value to you. It’s proven anti-inflammatory effects minimize the swelling and reduce your discomfort.
  • Research shows that daily intake of this tea is very helpful to people having diabetes. The tea reduces their susceptibility to renal ailments, eye disorders, etc.
  • Chamomile tea benefits are known as an reliable treatment for irritable bowel syndrome, which is one of the most common disorders of the digestive system.
  • Consuming 3 cups of the beverage is a good option for women suffering from menstrual cramps. The tea substantially eases the related physical distress.
  • You can eliminate symptoms of anxiety by having 3 cups of the beverage every day.

You now possess thorough knowledge about the chamomile tea benefits and uses. All the remedies discussed above are tried and tested ones and hence you can try them with full confidence.

Just go ahead and make the tea an integral element of your daily life and, watch your health improve. Please do drop in a few lines about how this article has helped you.

Via: Dr.Axe | NaturalRemedyIdeas | OrganicFacts

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